Chapter 6

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News reporter: In what appears to be a prank, several students were seen wearing scary masks. School officials have yet to comment, (raises the ghost mask) but this is known to be the same costume worn by the killer. 17-year old Casey Becker and her boyfriend, Steven Orth, have already lost their lives. Who's next? You can literally feel the fear on this campus.

Dewey's patrol Jeep is parked in front of the school. He steps out of his Jeep and walks toward the school, when Gale Weathers speed walks towards him.

Gale: Hi. Gale Weathers, field correspondent, "Top Story".

Dewey: I know who you are, Miss Weathers. (Takes off his sunglasses) How's the eye?

Gale: It's productive. Is there a problem on campus?

Dewey: No, everything's under control.

Gale: Well, of course. You're here.

Dewey: You're not supposed to be here.

Gale: I know. I should be in New York covering the Sharon Stone stalker, but who knew? (Chuckles to herself) You look awfully young to be a police officer.

Dewey: I'm 25 years old.

Gale: You know, I'm a demographic study, I proved to be most popular amongst males 11 to 24. Guess I just missed you. Of course, you don't look a day over 12. Except in that upper-torso area. Does the force require you to work out?

Dewey: No, ma'am. Because of my boyish good looks, muscle mass has increased in my acceptance as a serious police officer.

Himbry: (Intercom) I need your attention now, kids. Due to the recent events that have occurred, effective immediately, all classes are suspended until further notice. (Students cheer for this) The Woodsboro police department has issued a citywide curfew beginning at 9:00 tonight.

Dewey puts on his hat and walks up the stairs toward the campus with Gale following.

Gale: Looks like we've got a serial killer on our hands.

Dewey: Serial killer's not really accurate. You got to knock off a couple more to get that title.

Gale: Well, we can hope, can't we? (Laughs) I mean, we certainly don't have any leads. Have you located Sidney's father yet?

Dewey: No, not yet.

Gale: Well, he's not a suspect, is he?

Dewey: We haven't ruled him out as a possibility. If you'll excuse me. (Turns around to walk away)

Gale: (Stops him) I'm sorry. Am I keeping you?

Dewey: (Turns around) If I may say so, Miss Weathers... (takes off his hat) you are much prettier in person.

He turns around and walks away.

Gale: (Smiles) So you do watch the show.

Dewey: (Turns to her) I'm 25. I was 24 for a whole year. (Continues to walk up the stairs)

Gale: Please, call me Gale!

As the school clears out, the halls begin to empty and Tatum and Mason escort Sidney outside.

Tatum: It was just some sick fuck having a laugh, Sidney.

Sidney: No. It was him, guys. I know it.

Mason: Well, just know we're going to stay by your side wherever you go, I promise.

Sidney: Thanks, Mason.

Stu walks up behind them.

Stu: "Kizzo-kaskizzo is is-out". (Gives Tatum and Sidney flowers) I don't know what you did Sidney, but on behalf of the entire student body, we all say, "thank you"!

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