chapter 2

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"Leaving so soon?" You smile and turn around seeing Ayato.."Hi Ayato" you greeted him. "Havent seen you in like ever!" you put your hands on your hips as you stare up at Ayato. There was a good difference in height between you two. "Its only been a week" he says with his monotone voice.."aw.." you raise and eye brow. "a week..just a week Noo big deal" you start your drama and start walking away making Ayato walk after you. "You could of called and let me know how the mission was going..I mean seriously" you start. "I'm not going to call you about every little thing (Y/N)" "well you should" you say jokingly as you hit his shoulder lightly. "So how did info gathering go?" Ayato asks as he glances down at you with his shiny blue eyes 0.O "Good good I suppose" You and Ayato somehow make it to the lounge where every Aogiri member would just be lazy and lump around in there.

"AAAAYATOOO!" A high pitched squeal came from the Lounge as Eto came running and leaped onto Ayato. "GeT oFf!" Ayato pushes her away and does a front kick at her..Eto just leaped up and landed on his out stretched leg.."Grrr" Ayato glared at Eto dropping his leg so she would cartwheel off. You roll your eyes.

You notice Kaneki sitting on a red sofa reading a small dark green book. Kaneki didnt really talk much to anyone other then decided to go be friendly and walk over to him. "Hi Kankei!" you say as you stand infront of him. Kaneki just keeps his eyes glued to the pages. "Er....What are you reading?" you ask as you look at the book reading the title (Pieces) silence....epic silence not a word came from him! not one! Jerk your about to leave when Kaneki slowly looks up.. "Oh..its you..what do you want?" he mumbles "I...just wanted to know how your book was??" you quickly glance to see if Ayato was by or not but of course he was trying to kick down Eto. "Its fine" all Kaneki says then he looks back at his book and continues to read ignoring your presence. WELL THEN be that way.......

"Hey Ayato I'm going out!" you say as you walk past him as he does a hook kick on Eto of course missing again with her landing on his leg. "GRRRR" Ayato was completly out of reach from your words. You shake your head and smirk at the funny sight of Eto just dancing around Ayato. You walk out hearing Ayato cussing in the back ground. "You B**** wait till I get my hands on yoU!" "Langauge Ayato!" you yell "SHUT UP YOU!" you hear him retort back. making you laugh you continue on your way. You quickly stopped by your room. Which was on the second floor the farthest room to the north on the right side. Your room was a decent size for just you. You quickly scavenge under your bed for the books you had gathered from the library. You find them under a box, under clothes and also under some food wrappers..You grab your book bag and smothered your books into it. You quickly leave Aogiri head quarters and on foot set off to the library.

The library was only 10 minutes away on foot.

The sky was a bright sea blue with few white poof balls of clouds floating around. You could smell sweet scents of flowers and also humans. You see couples walking around and random pedestrians.You walk up the marble steps of the Tokyo Library. You slowly walk in and put on your girl next door smile on and walked up to the reception desk. "Hi Mrs. Kitazawa" you say cheerily as you set your books on the desk infront of a little old lady who had her hair in a huge bun on her head and big red thick glasses on. "Oh why hello (Y/N) coming to get more?" she asks as she starts checking off the books. "Yes I am" you smile as you head for the fictional book hall. You look at the shelves upon shelves of wonderful books. Like Kaneki you loved books. A dark blue hard cover book caught your eye it was on the top shelf *of course* you reach up and snatch it. (Ember skies) sounded good to you. You quickly scan threw the first few pages of it and started reading it without you even knowing it you were reading the 10th chapter. Then you saw that there are more books after that and quickly scanned the shelves and grabbed them all..Except for the last one. You look over the shelves but no sign of it. You let out a dissapointed sigh then carry the 6 books in your arms and took them to the receptionist desk. "Goodness (Y/N) this one really did it for you now..." Mrs Kitazawa gasps as she begins to check the books off. "Heh.." You smile. "Oh..can you hold this one for me when it comes in?" you ask as you point to the books name that wasnt there on the shelves. Mtrs.Kitazawa nods with a smile as she pushes the books towards me. "Have fun my dear!" she says as she continues checking in other books of hers. "Bye!" you say as you walk off with a heavy HEAVY bookbag.


Your back in your room laying on your big fluffy bed as your thoughts were leaping threw the pages of the second book that you started 10 minutes ago and already half way done. *This book is like 512 PGs long* You flip the page right when you hear your door open.

You glare at Ayato who comes in looking exhausted. The blue haired ghoul collapses on your bed smooshing your legs. "Hey Bunny Fufu begone your not light and fluffy like your name says you are" you growl as you hit his head with the book making him moan with frustration. "Your so mean..." you hear him mumble 'Yes..yes I am now out" You agree with him and pull his hair "Yaga!" you say as you pull his hair "OooW!" He lifts his head and glares at you. You smile innocently. "What are you reading now?" he mumbles as he flips over onto his back and lays his head on your legs. "Feather in the water book two" you reply as you turn your attention back on the book. "Oh really? he says as he glances up at you. "Yes..really" you mumble starting to get irritated. "Oh?" Ayato flips over to his side and before you knew it he was snatching the book from your finger tips and leaping off the bed. "Now what are you reading?" he smirks as he flips threw the pages. "HEY!!! AYATO! GIVE IT BACK!' You sit up and glare hard at him. "Oh the sun how it touches the sand and the oceans brink!" Ayato begins mocking the book. "Ayato give it back you slimy road kill fufu!" you leap off the bed and tackle him...

After a few minuts off tackling and winning you stood up with one foot on Ayato's chest as he heaved for breath you held the book high in the sky. "Ah ha! sucker!" you yell with triumph as you make your way back to the bed.. "What....ever..." you hear Ayato muffle. You sit on your bed once again and cross your legs as you face Ayato. You smile as you see Ayato just lay there like a slug. "Your such a troublemaker.." you mutter underbreath. "Me? no" Ayato smirks as he slowly goes on his side and lays his head on his hand as he looks up at you. You glance at your clock seeing the time.

"You shoul probably get going..Don't you and Kaneki have some meeting with Eto and those guys?" you ask. "Yeah I guess." he mumbles as he slowly stands up. "See you soon (Y/N)" he says as he slowly leaves the room. You shake your head as you reach down to grab your book that you set on your bed when you realize its missing. "Oh no you didnt..."


"AYAAATOOOOOO!" Ayato hears (Y/N) scream from her room as he pull out her book from his jacket. 'to easy' Ayato smirks as he sets her book down at her door.

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