Chapter 4

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A few days have passed and Blanca was gone on her mission..which left you stuck with non other but Minx her self. Which wasnt that bad for say. You are outside in a GreenHosue that Aogiri built just incase if they have to go into lock down from CCG or any unknown reason..A few of the ghouls volunteered to take care of the garden that was inside the GreenHouse..Minx of course wanted to have a new hobby so she is now taking care of plants..which is insane since she can hardly focus on one thing. You where going to were Minx grew her plants which was in the dead middle of the garden. You raise an eye brow when you see a very well grown Garden with Minx's name all glitterfied on the name board. Minx was like the happy clueless shiny ghoul in Aogiri it would be hard to think she was a ghoul.  There where huge tomato plants in the far corner of her plot, Cumbers,Green beans and other interesting plants growing. Minx out did her self you think to your self right when you where about to start walking away you hear footsteps behind you getting louder as they neared you. You turn around seeing Ayato walking your way with his hands in his coat pocket like always.

"Well isnt this a surprise" you speak first as you smile up at Ayato where his face was serious like always nothing on his face no smile. "I didnt expect you to be in the Greenhouse?" he says as he looks at the plot that you where standing by. "Well that goes for you too..." you glance at Minx's plot one last time then look back at Ayato when something catches your eye. "Woah" You move past Ayato walking around a plot to a plot with beautiful flowers. "I didnt know we planted Flowers!" you gasp as you slowly touch the flower petals. Ayato walks up beside you. You look at the name board seeing who planted them. "HUH?!!" you gasp out loud with shock "No freaking way" you eye ball that sign as if it was speaking to you.  

 "Wow who knew he could plant garden" Ayato mutters. The name board said....Noro...."Thats so creepy" you whisper as if someone might here. "I know I think this is a prank" Ayato whispers back sarcastically. You slap his arm. "Whatever" you growl and walk off..

"So why where you in the Greenhouse anyways Ayato?" you ask as you two make your way to the exit. "Non of your Business" he says as he pulls his hands out of his pockets. "Thats not fair you already know why I was there.." you whine "Oh do I now? all I saw was a ghoul standing in a Greenhouse." You glare up at him. "Well your smart enough figure it out" you grumble "same goes for you" he replies.  Your stomach growled loudly making you grab your stomach"Shut up" you hiss your face was red with embaressment. Ayato glanced down at you. "Sorry" you mutter. "Come on.." he sighs grabbing your arm. "What?..what are you doing?!" you ask as your dragged behind him. "Your hungry..Lets go find you food" he says blankly.   

  "I'm fine" you protest right when your stomach growls again. "Yeah and I'm deaf..come on" he snaps. You glare at him while he pulls you along.

TIME SKIP to the future! jk

Somehow Ayato managed to drag you all the way to the city. You and Ayato see many pedestrians walking across the roads aimlessly. " your magic" Ayato smirks as he shoves you infront of him. You could smell all the sweet scents in the air including Ayato but you quickly stopped sniffing his scent. You focused on food which made you want to go on a spry and grab anyone.  You saw a man walking down the street away from you he was almost to an ally you smile devishly. And quickly run up to the man while Ayato leaned against the wall and watched. "!" you cry as you grab his arm. The man turn around facing you "Miss? whats wrong?" he asks with concern "Some...ssome man trie-d to.." you just kept sobbing. "here let me help you" the man says as he raps his arm around you. "Thank..thank you" you cry wiping your tears away the man of course brought you to the ally "Here try calling someone." He says handing you his cell. "Thanks" you fake smile as you quickly glance to the side making sure no one was there.  You could feel guilt in your stomach as well as hunger you didnt want to kill this nice you did the most stupid thing ever. You fake dialed someone and spoke to no one on the line and gave him his cell. "Thank you" you smile. 'Your there anywhere I can take you to get picked up?" you shake your head as you hear your stomack begin to growl again. "No my friend is coming right now. Thank you so much" you smile. 'Okay..are you sure your fine??" he asks "Yes you may go I'm alright" he smiles and nods and walks off. You sigh and clench your stomach tightly Dangit...       

 "Wow just wow" you hear Ayato as the blue hair walks up to you, "How in names did you mess up?!" he snaps as he walks up to you kicking a trash can that was beside you. "I..I couldnt" you whisper. "Ugh..I'll do it then." he growls and walks off. You sigh and follow Ayato..


"I dont want to kill anyone" the girl cries as the blue haired boy was trying to teach you how to get food. "This is how we survive (Y/N) deal with it" he snaps. "Now see your a girl you have a few advantages to get guys..your looks, how you act, how quick you can kill those simple things will save your life." he says as he puts his hands on your shoulders. "I..I dont think I can.." SLAP the girl touched her cheek as it throbbed with pain "Snap out of it your parents arent here to take care of you." he snaps. The girl glares at him and nods slowly. "Okay..lets try this..I'll kill them and we can both eat." he says as he takes your hand and you both walk threw the park.


You where waiting for Ayato to get back with food but he wasnt back yet its been almost 45 minutes You begin to worry and decide to go search for him. You look all over the back allies but nothing. Until you hear allot of commotion nearby. You quickly run around the corner to see three ghouls pinning non other but Ayato down and beating the living crud out of him. You saw a human body all demalished on the ground. You fill up with anger. 'Hey!" you shout getting the ghouls attention and you grab a lid of a can and slam it upward hitting a ghoul right in the chin. 'Holly F---" he screams as he lets go of Ayato arm. "You B----" the other ghoul snarls letting go of Ayato. Flying right beside you he was so fast you didnt even see him move.  You reacted to slowly and where slammed into the brick wall. The ghoul twisted your arm behind your back and held you against the wall. "We could have fun with you pretty ghouhly" he says with a slimy voice. "Let her go!" you hear Ayato snap. 

You smile and turn your face so you could see the ghoul holding you. "Well I always like my ghouls ruff" you say with a evil smile. as your (E/C) changes and your kakagun goes shooting threw the ghoul holding you. You smile and whip him up into the air. and throw him into the ghoul holding Ayato. You smile devishly "Who's next" you smile big showing your canine teeth. The ghoul that you hit with the lid roars and runs at you. With his kakagun and tries stabbing you from both sides. Which all of your kakagun comes out and block them easily. You shoot crystals out hitting the ghoul in his knee making him tumble. "If I find you hurting your own kind again..I'll kill you all" you whisper in his ear. The three ghouls scramble away. You smile and your kakagun slowly goes away. "Ayato!" you run up to him "I told you your bada--" he smirks. "You idoit" you hit his arm. "Well I have to take care of you now dont I?" he glances at the human corpse. "Dont ever do that again!" you hiss "no more hunting at night!" you demand. "Okay okay geez" Ayato says holding his hands up in defense as you slowly take care of his beat up body.


You slowly kneel beside Ayato as you both eat the corpse that Ayato got. its tasty meat running in your mouth made you sigh with relief. "Thanks Ayato" you mumble with a smile as you continue eating. You noticed Ayato smile as he shoved flesh into his mouth.

As you and Ayato clean your selves off in the Ally making sure all the blood was clean off. You both walked down the side walk You and Ayato walked in silence. If it wasnt for Ayato..I wouldnt be here today...Thank you so much Ayato.. You thank him in your head and smile at Ayato's back even though you know he couldnt hear your thanks...You boldly grab his hand making him stop and look down at you with a curious expression. "Thank you so much Ayato" you smile. "For what?" he asks. "For everything" you smile brightly.."Whatever someone had to." he sighs as he continues walking but he kept your hand in his. Which made you keep smiling as you two walked back to Aogiri.

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