Chapter 6

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You and Porpora enter a room..the room you saw on screen..the room with a black box and desks with vials. "Wow" you gasp as you slowly walk to the desk. The vials had black liquid in it with the words GV pasted on each vial. "What is this place Porpora?" you ask as you pick up a vial slowly looking at it from all angles. "I'm guessing another fun way to dispose of us" he grumbles as he kneels beside the black box looking up and down the thing. You tilt your head as you slowly set it down. You notice some tan colored folders with thick papers in them. You lean to grab them when Porpora speaks "I wouldn't look at them if I we're you" "why?" you ask as you stare at the creepy man who was touching the Black box with his bony old fingers. You waited for an answer but he never replied instead he just popped a panel off the black box. You shake your head and took your chances and grabbed the folders. You stared wide eyed at the horrible pictures.

 #1 pictured had a ghoul strapped to a table with a scientist injecting him with the black liquid.

#2 picture had them ghoul screaming his pale skin turning into huge welts. His kakagun shooting out of his back.

#3 picture had blood coming from his eyes.

#4 picture he....

You flipped the picture over you couldn't bare to see what the liquid did. "How awful!" you gasp you felt grief and terror spread threw out your entire body. "Well that's CCG for you" Porpora says "That's what happens to ghouls in the GDC or for the newest ghouls they are tortured and kept in solitude until they mentally go insane." Porpora speaks. "What?!" your terror quickly changed to anger. "A good friend of mine has been locked up for 18 years here" he says patting the black box. "Wait...someone is in this!!?" you quickly drop the files and walk over to him. "I don't know what they did to her but I'm sure she wont remember us." he says with a hint of sadness in his voice. "But she deserves to be outside of this hell" he says as he cuts and rewires the colored wires. "See those holes on the side" you look up and lean around Porpora seeing black holes in the box. You nod. "Those are where the tubes went to drug her or torture her probably." Your jaw tightened as you soon where furious at CCG. "How dare they!!" you clench your fists. "Well take your anger out on this doo-" before he finished you slammed your fist into the metal punching a hole right threw it. "Nicely done" you pull your hand back blood dripping off the knuckles.

Porpora slowly put to wires together making a SSsss noise as the the hole punched metal door opened smoke or maybe mist came seeping out. You held your hurt hand an backed up as you saw a woman strapped in a metal chair. tubes in her arms, chest and legs. Without thinking you went up to her slowly pulling out the tubes "Its okay we're here to help you" you say softly as you set the tube down beside you. Porpora grunted and went over to the vials like he wasn't needed anymore. "Wh-who...are...y-you?" the woman rasped as she slowly looked up her pale brown eyes showed how close to death she was. "I'm (Y/N)" you say as you notice how skinny this woman was. You kept moving on you grabbed your knife from your boot and ripped the straps. "I have a daughter named (Y/N) of course she is only 11 in a half" the woman says with a small smile as if she remembered her daughter. You stop moving..You lost your parents when you where 11 an a half. "What...what is your name? if you don't mind me asking?" you say shaky "Miska" You could of sworn your heart stopped. You looked up seeing the woman's eyes Mom? You could feel your eyes tear up you quickly shook your head telling your self this woman is your dead mom.

After getting Miska out of the chair she laid against the wall. "Porpora!" she gasps as Porpora walks towards her. "Hello Miska." He says as he puts her grey long hair behind her ear. You walked to the vials grabbing three of them and stuffing them in your pockets and grabbing the folders. You knew Tatara would want to see it.. "We need to get going now." you say as Porpora picks up Miska. "Stay behind me okay" you say as you smile at Miska. You Porpora and Miska slowly and carefully run down the halls towards the staircase. "We need to hurry before the explosives go off!" You say as you open the staircase door way. BOOM You whip around seeing black smoke everywhere from where you just came from. "To late" gasps Miska. "GO!" you scream pushing them onto the stairs.

You where just a few staircases from the exit from this awful place when another bomb goes off right beside you guys. You and Porpora and Miska are thrown into the wall. You couldn't make out Porpora or Miska in the thick dust cloud. "Porpora!" you shout. "Porpora! Miska!" you shout louder "Here!" Porpora sneezes.

You sigh with relief you really didn't want to have to tell Tatara that your only mission died on the staircase. You slowly getting up hissing with pain and quickly leaning against the wall. You look down seeing cement chunks in your ankle. Well that will heal nicely you slowly hobble in pain threw the dust cloud till you saw Porpora and Miska walking up the stairwell. "Oh dear your ankle" you hear Miska gasp. "Its not bad I'm fine" you smile. "Dont be stubborn. Porpora....please set me down" Miska says Porpora sets her down like he asks. "No really I'm-" you gasp with pain dropping to your ankle as you cradled it. "Your just like my husband...he was as stubborn as a Yak" Miska grumbles as Porpora hands her a piece of cloth from his dirty ragged shirt. Miska slowly wrapped it around your ankle then tightened it making you gasp. "There." she says as Porpora picks her up again. "Thank you" you say as you slowly get up.

You all escape, allot of the fighting died down you hoped Ayato and Minx where okay. You looked down all the aisles but you couldn't find any of them. "My truck is a few miles down" you say as you lift open the fence wall.

You all crammed into your truck you hoped you could still drive. But luckily for you Porpora drove and you gave directions. As you slowly drove away you saw GDC in smoke. Please be safe...

A few hours passed and Aogiri was swamped with injured ghouls you where leaning on a wall while Miska and Porpora where with a ghoul nurse in another room. Minx was wherever Minx was. "Glad your still alive" you smile a little to that calm voice as Ayato walks up to you. "You look awful" You say sarcastically "Same for you..."You notice a huge gash mark on his arm"You idiot! you need to get that checked!" you demand as you grab some bandages that where on a rolly chair "You put some Iodine and some Anesthetic on it as you clean it up you put some bandages around it. "There better" you say as you hobble backwards. "What happened to your foot?" Ayato grabs your hand making you cringe because of course he grabbed your punching bloody knuckle. He glanced down at your hand. "What the heck where you doing! punching walls?!" he snaps as he starts cleaning it off viciously "Owe ow!! Please gentle!" you gasp with pain. Ayato sighs picking you up and setting you on the rolly chair. He squats down and unraps the shirt off your ankle. "Oh GOSH (YN)" he quickly swoops you up in his strong arms and carries you off "hEy! what are you doing put me down!" you hit his head. "Your getting fixed right now!" he growls. "So just be quiet" You sigh and smile a little and lean your head on his chest. Slowly passing out with exhaustion.

Sorry its a short chapter, It just is compared to others. But hey its okay...I'll try making them longer this whole week has been Chaos -.- so yea. Sorry again it short and probably really REALLY bad but oh well!!! Sorry and Thanks for reading my crappy story? :D

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