Chapter 7

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You woke up on your bed in your room. Next to you, you could see Ayato passed out in his armchair. You slowly glance down at your hand that was bandaged and then you saw your ankle with twice as more bandages on. You stared at Ayato admiring his good looks. His blue hair over his eyes made him look super adorable. You poked his cheek which made him grumble and making him roll around in the armchair. You stifled a laugh and poke his nose making his eye lids twitch. You could get used to this..poking him and watching his reactions. "Are you done touching my face?" you squeaked as Ayato grabs your finger. "Ay...Ayato I uh uh.." Crap on toast biscuits "Poking ghouls is your thing now?" he grumbles as he still holds onto your finger. "I...UH was um just uh" You sound like an idiot! come on! be smart! you shout at your self. "(y/n)" Ayato pokes your forhead. "Ouch!" You slap his hand with your bandaged hand. "Ouch!" you shake your injured hand. "Are you okay!?" Ayato asks letting go off your finger and trying to grab your injured hand. You take the chance and hit the top of his head with your free hand. "Its your fault I hurt my self hitting you!" you snap. "Well your the one who struck out now" Ayato grumbles. You both glare at each other until he started laughing which made you laugh. You hear some one laughing who comes walking in making you and Ayato both stop laughing and look at Minx "Why are we laughing now?" she asks as she stops laughing and leaps onto the bed making your foot ache making you throw a pillow at her knocking her off. "That wasn't NICE! AT ALL!" she cries as she lays sprawled out on the ground.

You remembered the vials you quickly move your fingers to your pockets. "Don't worry I found the vials and gave them to Tatara." Ayato says reassuring you that the vials you got where safe. "And the folders?" you ask you couldn't remember what happened to them "Miska and Porpora had them." Ayato and Minx glanced at each other really quick. "Uh did something happen while I was out?" you ask nervously. "um..well" Minx hesitated on saying what she was going to say. "Miska was debriefed by Tatara and Eto..and.." Ayato stopped talking "And?" you ask you raise an eye brow "spill your guts Minx what aren't you two saying?" you demand "She has the same last name as you..." You didn't want to believe that CCG had her this whole time "She's your mother (Y/N)" Minx whispers.

"That's crazy." You whisper "We did a blood test as well and they came in positive." Ayato says as he slowly examines your injured hand. "Gosh.." you mutter you put your good hand over your face. "Does...does she know who I am?" you ask. You felt like you where going to cry for some reason. "Well..whatever they did to her she still believes that you are 11"Minx whispers as she slowly gets up and leans against the wall. "What now?" you mumble under your breath. "I don't know" Ayato says as he stands up. "I need to get back." "Already?" you ask you didn't want him to leave you. "Well I can't babysit you now can I?" he smirks "unless you beg me to" you glare at him "As if I would beg..." you growl "Begone!" you say as you throw another pillow at him.

"Blanca is coming back" Minx squeaks after Ayato leaves. "Oh cool when?" you ask as you sit up. "Eh who knows..." Minx sits in the armchair. You noticed Minx had five bandages on both of her legs. "Are you okay?" you ask trying to push the mom issue aside. "Oh these" she looks down at her legs. "Yeah I'm fine"

Minx flashback

"Woah" Minx leaps backwards dodging the whip of the CCG woman. she already wrapped it around her legs twice. "Aw whats wrong? getting slower are we!?" Minx laughs as she dodges again. Minx see's an opening and goes for it "Ha I got you now!" Minx leaps towards the opening when the handle of the whip turns into a sword. "Cheater!" Minx quickly slides by as the sword swings over her a inch away from her face. Minx quickly rolled away but the whip snarled around her leg once again flipping her over. Minx quickly moved to the side as the sword goes clashing with the ground. Minx kicks upward hitting the Officer in the chin. "Gotcha!" Minx takes off her shoe for some reason and smacks the officer in the face. again. 'Well gotta go! Bye!" Minx puts on her shoe while running and hears the explosives go off. " safe (Y/N)" Minx quickly takes off towards the nearest exit.

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