part 6 - not that kind of photo

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ok so i went through this chapter again and edited it cause i forgot to do a couple of things lol sorry but hope you like it


the next day at school harry was in his advance maths class trying to figure out who the guy we was texting is

there was only 10 people in the class and 7 of them were seniors. he knew 4 of them wore glasses so it left jake, ross, arlo, and louis.

He didn't know what color of hair his mystery person had so he decided to ask him.

curly🥰: hey boo

boo👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨: hey curly, you look good wearing that jumper with your pencil behind your ear

boo👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨: totally give you the nerdy look, and it definitely looks good on you

curly🥰: why thank you, i would call you handsome but i don't really know what you look like

boo👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨: ok i'll give you another hint, i have brown hair

harry was about to type out his next text when he got cut off by the teacher standing next to him saying

"Mr. Styles is there someone more important you need to text then listening to my class?"

"U-Uh no one sorry ma'am."

"You can get your phone back at the end of class." she says putting her hand out to take his phone. harry hands her his phone and just looks down.

he decides to look back up and look over to louis to find him staring at him

louis gave him a cute smile and harry gave a dimpled smile back, louis loved his dimples and could always look at them all day.


about 5 minutes were left of class and everyone was having free time so the teacher gave harry back his phone. he looked over and saw louis laughing with arlo and his crinkles by his eyes were showing. he thought he looked so handsome.

curly🥰: welp that was embarrassing, but dude do you see how good louis was looking today, ugh i like him so much

boo👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨: i thought you took it very well, also yea he looked very handsome, but i don't think he feels that way about himself, i've talked to him a couple of times and i know he's insecure

when harry read that he suddenly hurt for louis, he thought louis was the most beautiful person in the world. he didn't understand how someone like him could feel that way

curly🥰: that sucks he's literally so gorgeous, i wish i could be like him

boo👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨: ikr don't we all, hey can i ask a question?

curly🥰: you just did...

boo👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨: SHUT UP, anyways can i have a photo of you?

curly🥰: um sure what kind of photo

boo👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨: one that no one has seen before

curly🥰: 'sends nude'

boo👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨: not that kind of photo, an appropriate photo of like your face or something please

curly🥰: lol ok here '2 attachment'

curly🥰: lol ok here '2 attachment'

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curly🥰: there you go babe, rare photos of me smiling my real smile

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curly🥰: there you go babe, rare photos of me smiling my real smile

babe😽: ugh you're so adorable i wish to be as pretty as you love

love💚: i bet you are way prettier then me but hey i have to work on homework ok, goodnight sleep well

babe😽: sleep well harry goodnight

harry and louis went to bed that night with big smiles on their faces. louis wished he could tell harry who he is and was thinking about doing it soon. harry just wanted to know and love and care for whoever he was talking to and he felt like he was getting closer to who it was everyday

sorry i haven't updated in a while, i've been busy with working this last week but hope to get more stuff up soon have an amazing week- ella:)

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