Chapter 16|400+ reads|600+ reads|100+ votes|THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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Hi everyone! I'm finally back with the next chapter!


And before we start with the story.......

And before we start with the story

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If you guessed it right... Yup! It's my Wattpad OC! And it's my fist time editing an OC!

And now, for the story...

Your POV:

And t-then, she slowly put her hand into the pocket a-and t-took t-two n-neckl-laces a-and w-wore one of th-them and g-gave t-the other to m-me, and m-motioned m-me to w-wear it. I-I wore it. She s-smiled a-at m-me on-one l-last t-time, a-and c-closed h-her e-eyes...............," I said, crying.

(I'm sorry if that part where Anlene dies doesn't make sense.. 😅😅)

Pollen's POV:

"I JUST MADE Y/N CRY!", I thought, ashamed of myself. "Y/N, please calm down... You might get akumatized..", I said, and hugged her gently. She started to calm down, and hugged me back. "I'm so lucky to have you Pollen...", Y/N said. "I'll always be there for you Y/N..", I replied.

Your POV:

I took my diary, which was on my desk, and unlocked it. I thought for a while, and then, wrote down a poem.........

Dear diary,

Hundreds of wishes we sketched once,

Suddenly that very canvas turned into black,

Our once shared jacket bloodied itself, 

Without your presence,

The park has covered in dusk..

(Poem by @Bonkerzzz_ )

...... and closed my diary. I jumped on my bed, and fell asleep after a few minutes.

~Meanwhile, with Cat Noir~

Cat Noir's POV:

I was deep in thoughts... When I suddenly hear a voice... which sounded just like my voice..."Where is m'lady?", I heard someone say. But when I turned around, I saw another me, another Cat Noir. There were more me s coming towards me. "Strange....", I thought. "Oh, look who we found...", one of them said. "Cataclysm!", they all said. I was confused, and scared at the sametime. I backed away slowly, but they kept coming towards me. I kept my left leg back, but I didn't feel the roof. I quickly turned around to see that I was at the edge of the roof.

I quickly took my baton, and hit the other me s, but they just dissappeared. I took a few steps to the front, and sat down again. I felt a touch on my shoulder, and I turned my head, to see ladybug standing behind me. "Oh, Ladybug! You're finally here!", I said, with a smile on my face. She smiled and sat down next to me. I was still thinking about what happened earlier. 

"Everything alright, Cat Noir?", Ladybug asked me. "Oh- um- yeah!", I replied. I turned to the side Ladybug was, and I opened my mouth to tell her what happened earlier, but I saw an evil grin on her face. "Uh- Ladybug? Are you ok?", I said. "Oh- Me? Yeah! I'm totally fine!", Ladybug said, her evil grin turning to her usual smile. "O....k..? That... was weird.", I thought.

"Cat Noir, watch out! Your miraculous! I heard Ladybug yell. "What about my miraculous?", I said, and looked at my hand. I saw Ladybug slipping my ring, slowly. I quickly took my hand, and tried to push her away, but she screamed, "NO! DON'T TOUCH MY HAND!". "Something is going on here.", I thought, and touched her. She faded away, screaming 'no', and I was shocked.

"Wait- but where's the REAL Ladybug", I questioned myself, and made my way to the Eiffel Tower, to get a better view, and to understand what's going on. And I was shocked to see Ladybug everywhere. "Let me het this straight.. There's only one Ladybug, but the others are evil clones, huh?", I said to myself, and jumped down to help Ladybug. "Wait- So who's the real Ladybug now?", I muttered.

"Hey kitty!", one of the Ladybugs said. I looked at her. She was just smiling while the other Ladybugs were fighting. "Nope!", I said and hit the clone with my baton. And there were more Ladybug clones coming my way, but I just kept hittting them with my baton and watching them disappear. And finally, there were only two Ladybugs left.

"Kitty, please help me!", one of them said. "Kitty, don't listen to her, listen to me.", the other said, and both of them started fighting. I just looked at them, trying to figure out who the real Ladybug was, when someone came from behind.

"Kitty, I'm the REAL Ladybug. Don't fall for their lies. They're just clones of me. Anyway, I've... been wanting to tell you something... for a while", Ladybug said. "Which is?", I asked her. "I-I think I'm finally falling for you...", Ladybug said, and I was surprised. "Want to go on a date?", She asked, emotionlessly. "Ladybug won't say anything emotionlessly.. Just another clone", I thought, and said, "Nope, I've already fallen for this, but I won't this time! I know that m'lady will fall for me oneday, but she's emotional, unlike you.", I said, and hit her with my baton.

I saw the other two Ladybugs still fighting, and I was about to hit them, but they yelled "Lucky Charm!", and one of them got a huge gun, while the other got a huge pencil. I was scared, but I didn't want to show it, so I yelled, "What are you going to do with a huge gun and a pencil? Place the pencil inside the gun and shoot me?". "Whaaaaa-", I yelled, while I was dragged by a yoyo. I looked to see who it was, and it was another Ladybug. I was landed on a rooftop safely.

Ladybug's POV:

I was on my way to the Eiffel Tower, because Cat Noir and I were on patrol. But I saw two clones of me, yelling "Lucky Charm!", on my way. Then, I heard a familiar voice yelling, "What are you going to do with a huge gun and a pencil? Place the pencil inside the gun and shoot me?". I realised that it was Cat Noir, though I couldn't see him because he's black as the night. I used my yo-yo to drag him to where I was, and said, "Hi Cat Noir! What did I miss?". He looked kinda scared, and I touched his shoulder. "Are you the real Ladybug?", he asked me. "Yup!", I said, giggling. "I'm assuming that you'll dissappear when I touch you though.", he said. "Are you ok Cat Noir? What's wrong? I was on my way to the Eiffel Tower, but I saw two clones of me, so I stopped here to see what's going on.", I said. "Touch my hand then.", I said, and he touched my hand. "YOU ARE THE REAL LADYBUG!", Cat Noir said, hugging me, and I hugged him back giggling.

"Where is she?", I thought. "Ladybug? Is everything ok?", Cat Noir asked me. "Oh- yeah, It's just that- I was supposed to meet someone, but she isn't here. Listen to this.", I said, and played the voicemail for Cat Noir to hear. "Hi! I can help you deafeat Hawkmoth... Meet me at the Eiffel tower at 7 tonight..", it said. "That voice.. It's familiar!", Cat Noir said. "Any idea who it is?", I asked Cat Noir. "I have the ability to see in the dark and turn something I touch into stone, but I don't have a power to remember people's voices.", Cat Noir said, and we both laughed."Cat Noir, let's go to the Eiffel Tower, it's 6.45pm now, and she'll be there in 15 minutes anyway.", I said, checking the time.

We both made our way to the Eiffel Tower, and sat down and looked around Paris. "So, about those clones... How did they appear?", I asked.

That's it for now! Byeee!

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