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you blinked adjusting your eyes to the bright sun, was it time for school already? No, this was different. You looked around your house nowhere to be seen and you were laying in the grass.

Why the fuck were you laying in the grass????

Sure you could sleep in weird places but this was different

You looked around trying to get a feel for where you were. you noted how the terrain looked oddly familiar but never remembered what it reminded you of, 𝘸𝘦𝘪𝘳𝘥

It seemed it would be for the best to get up and have a look around for yourself and see if you could draw any conclusions. Trying to stay calm you walked around until you saw where the land you were standing on met its end. Walking towards it your eyes widened as you saw what you were looking at


Like THE liyue

You were frozen, the place that you would dream of living in as you shamelessly read fanfics about the (beautiful) people in it!?

Getting yourself together you decided to focus on getting off what you assumed was Mt.Tianheng to see if you would figure everything out in liyue.


It took a while but you were eventually able to figure out how to get down with just a few scrapes and bruises. When you got to liyue you instantly regretted it. People were staring because obviously hoodies weren't normal wear and you looked a mess. Trying to avoid eye contact you focused on making a plan.

You needed to find help

Your first thought was wansheng funeral parlor.

It was kind of funny that in order to not die you were seeking help from a funeral parlor but whatever. No matter how much you wanted to just walk in there and vent your problems to zhongli like you did in your dreams you knew it was impossible and absurd

Still, he was the most open person you could think of that you knew you'd be able to find so you were about to take a chance.

A quickly as you could you walked to the parlor opening the door and confronting the first person you saw

you were nervous you were so nervous what if they were really rude or what if you embarrassed yourself fuc-

"Do you need something"

Recovering as quickly as you could you asked

"uh, yes is Zhongli here"

"Oh, yep I'll go get him for you if you'd like?"

"Yes that'd be perfect"

You watched as the man walked through a door and were left once again to your thoughts. Fiddling with your hoodie string you could only hope that he was as nice as he seemed in the game because if he wasn't you were screwed. You had no Plan B and were relying purely on luck.

You stopped what you were doing when you heard the door open

and there he was


Rex Lapis


Before you could go any further you were interrupted

"I don't think I've seen you before is there something you need?"


You awkwardly stood trying to think of the best way to say that you came from another world where he was just one of the many video game characters you thought were hot and now you were transported into the game and had no idea what to do with yourself.

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