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You had gotten back to the inn late after your time spent with Zhongli and Childe. It was probably about 4 AM and you had to get up at 7 AM. Yes, making friends was lovely, just not when they cause you to get 3 hours of sleep.

Getting in bed and hoping everything would be okay you fell asleep.


Getting up the next morning was hell

pure hell

When your alarm went off you dragged yourself out of bed barely being able to think straight. Getting dressed you tripped over yourself multiple times. Finally dragging yourself out of your room you slowly dragged yourself down the steps. It took you seven whole minutes just to get down one flight of stairs.

When verr laid eyes upon you she was terrified. At first she thought you were dead, You were moving so slow and looked as if you would collapse any minute.

"Oh my god, you look absolutely terrible-" before you could even answer she continued making her own assumptions "-here take some time off you must have been working to hard lately."

It felt as if you blinked and you were back in your room. Wiping your eyes a bit to wake yourself up you recalled the situation.

-you were tired

-your fatigue made you look dead

-Verr assumed you overworked yourself

-You now have 3 weeks off work

It took you second before this fully registered
What were you going to do with that much time???
You weren't against the idea of having time off but if you did you wanted to at least have something planned. There was no way you'd sit down and let it be 3 weeks of nothing.

So you flopped on your bed and decided to sleep on it as you still needed sleep

It was cold

Unusually cold actually
Rubbing your eyes you looked around at your room
Immediately you were filled with panic
You were at the inn you were sure of it
The bed was the same
and half of the room looked like it normally did
But the other half looked like your room
Your old room
Where Genshin was just a game you played
The rooms appeared to be merged
Some appearances from both rooms glitched together
"Stay calm"
You reassured yourself as you looked around to figure out what was going on around you. You had a terrible headache coming on but before you could even think of a way to fix it you were met with a small noise coming from all around you at once that gradually got louder.

Your name was practically being chanted by familiar voices that you had forced yourself to forget. Getting out of bed you immediately tried to get out to find verr or xiao.

Pushing, Pulling you tried everything but you couldn't get out the door .
You were stuck
As much as you tried to keep a level head you found yourself teary eyed and panicked
Your eyes blurred in and out of vision until it faded into a dizzying black

You woke up in a cold sweat back at your room in the inn. Your room felt suffocating and you needed some fresh hair. You hadn't had a nightmare since you appeared in the game. In a way it felt as if it had been about time. As much as you tried to just forget about your life before you appeared here there was no way it would just go away. Your life wasn't hell but it also wasn't heaven. You just weren't happy and people around you seemed to just make things worse so you spent most of your time on the internet for hours on end. You gritted your teeth at shitty memories and decided to walk out to the balcony.

You walked out and breathed in the fresh air feeling the cool breeze. You stared out across the land below and spotted a few slimes you watched as a passing adventurer slayed them with ease

If your nightmare didn't leave you feeling like shit this did. Adding another emotion to the mix you now felt incompetent. Being able to get rid of a slime seemed natural for everyone around you. You wished to do something about it but there was nothing you could do. 90% of your previous life was spent on your mattress, being able to randomly show incredible fighting skill was impossible.

Feeling a sudden strong gust of wind form behind you, you turned around already knowing what you'd see.

"I see you have come to join the lonely balcony crew once again Xiao!"

"You speak as if you were here first"

"Well I came here first today and that's what matters not how many years ago you came here first grandpa."

He scowled at you but took his place standing beside you as usual.Looking back over again you saw the adventurer run up to meet someone a friend maybe?
A thought popped in your head at the sight
Turning to look at Xiao you grinned
You were going to get Xiao to train you so you could at least defend yourself against basic slimes and hilichurls

He looked at you feeling your stare and upon seeing your grin he immediately felt overcome with a sense of dread.

"Xiao~ you know you're my favorite person-er adeptus I know right?"

"I'm the only adeptus you know."

"That's...true but you enjoy being around me right?"


"Well you put up with me so could you do me a teensy tiny favor?"

He only stared at you in response, his brows furrowing a bit so you continued.





"I will make you almond tofu whenever you ask and I'll owe you a favor that you can cash in whenever you want!"

He seemed to be considering it, so you showered him in more pleas


Yet again the adeptus found his ability to go against you to disappear.



He shot you a cold glare telling you, no demanding you not to even try kissing him.

"Heh I guess I got a bit ahead of myself there"

"Tomorrow over at the marsh" Disappearing he told you the place to be before leaving to do what you assumed were more of his adepti duties.

Staying and enjoying the balcony for a bit more you smiled to yourself as you had found something to do during your time off. You only hoped that you'd have the ability to back up your plea since it would be embarrassing if he trained you for 3 weeks and you were still the same. Maybe you'd do some exercises before you went to bed.

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