【Expect the Unexpected】

442 19 2

The Weekend that you had before you started passed fairly quickly. You prepped yourself for work, getting ready which was fairly easy because the job you got was practically just chores. Delivering food to guests and cleaning the rooms after they left.

Monday came and you started delivering food and working quickly and diligently days passed fairly quickly and you had been working there for two and a half weeks now and had fallen into a nice routine.

"You're pretty good at this huh?" Verr chimed causing you to get slightly startled. Her eyes seemed to narrow a bit before she said one final thing before she left. "When you finish for the day come see me, I have a favor to ask of you."

You continued through the day seeing the occasional couple walk in. You always felt a little bitter when you saw them. You had given up on leaving since your life didn't change much and had planned to live quietly but seeing those people happy with friends made you feel bad. Sure, you had only been in the game for a couple of weeks but you weren't very social so you'd forever be stuck with the few acquaintances you had made outside of the inn and verr who had been nothing but kind.

Finishing up you headed downstairs to meet verr to see what she needed, you had assumed she needed help taking something outside as she had asked before but something seemed different this time. You waved the thought off and continued downstairs.


"Oh, there you are"

"What did you need me for?"

She handed you a plate of Almond Tofu "This, uh could you make a special delivery"

You were dumbfounded you had given up on ever seeing him and now you had to deliver Almond Tofu to him

"It's for Xiao, an Adeptus that occasionally stays here"

Trying to remain calm you said a quick 'okay' and speed-walked off. You were incredibly nervous but you shook it off

Walking up the balcony you paused when you saw him to contain your mini heart attack. He was even more beautiful in person but you had to snap out of it.

Walking a bit closer but keeping your distance as not to upset him you remained as calm and cool as possible though you knew you were smiling like an absolute fool.

"Almond Tofu?" you asked to tell him of your presence though you knew he already knew.

He only hummed in response which made your heart skip a beat his voice was nice even if it was just a hum causing your idiotic smile to only get bigger. Handing the dish over to him you prepared to leave before something caught your eye.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘔𝘰𝘰𝘯

You had passed the balcony a few times but you never got to stand out there and feel the wind and admire the stars. You could see why this was a favored place of his it was absolutely stunning and left you feeling as if you were flying. You didn't notice the Adeptus staring at you until he spoke up

"You should leave, Adeptal energy is too much for a mere mortal to be around for too long."

You didn't feel sick or weird at all though. In fact, you were elated, you were a bit too scared to ask but you couldn't miss the opportunity to bask in the moonlight while sharing his presence

"Can I stay...for a bit?"

He only turned back around in response so you took it as a yes. You continued staring at the moon and looking at the land below it was empty except for the few hilichurls here and there but it was pretty peaceful. You sighed and took in a deep breath and enjoying the fresh air. It was moments like these where all you felt you needed were your phone and a pair of earbuds and you'd just die of content. You'd definitely make sure to come by here again some time. Letting the moment take you away you closed your eyes and smiled


You couldn't tell how much time had passed but your legs were getting tired which was your signal to go to sleep

Stretching a bit and walking away you stopped yourself before turning around to get one more look at the view and the beautiful Adeptus that stood on the balcony with you. Though neither of you talked you could tell that you would cherish this moment as you had a feeling it was special. Taking your leave for your room you left leaving the Adeptus with a few words before heading to sleep.

"Thank you, Xiao"



It wasn't much but I really enjoyed writing this chapter since I'm a massive simp and all 🏃‍♀️but

He's so pretty

and for what?????

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