【A Vision】

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You had woken up feeling like complete and utter shit.

Your legs were so cramped you were worried you wouldn't be able to stand, sadly you could. Meaning you'd have to work some more. You would laugh at the difference in your mood before and after training if your legs didn't hurt so much.

"It's about time you woke"

You heard the serious voice and were reminded that you weren't alone.

"Good Morning to you too Xiao, Where to today?"

"A Forest over there, that's where we'll start working on technique, here." He handed you a basic polearm strikingly similiar to the one star one that no one ever used. Preparing your legs for about an hour or two of pain you got ready to head over to the forest area.


About an hour and a half later the two of you had arrived in the area. There was a long lake that according to Xiao led to a small waterfall. You took in the scenery that was admirably beautiful but you were snapped out of your thoughts by Xiao's voice

"You want to hold it like this" You replicated his posture as he kept instructing you. It was harder than it looked, immensly so. There were multiple parts you had to be attentive of and handling such a long weapon you had to make sure not to hit yourself while working, which required a surprising amount of focus. You started learning different positions and practiced moving them into each other to replicate a fighting style but it just wasn't working. You kept changing positions becoming unaware of what was going on around you until you were startles by Xiao's touch

Not his voice but his...touch?

Before you could even delve into the thought you were being guided into a position by Xiao. "You should hold it more like this", his voice was quiet but it rang in your ears like a comforting headache. You felt his hands guide your arms to a position where the polearm was held out by your side. You felt his hand move to your back straightning it and you were getting dizzy. You looked up at him to see his yellow eyes staring hard into you and you felt as if the world was falling apart and being put back together repeatdly, it was driving you crazy all in this one second. In his arms you let yourself fall into position and everything felt a little bit easier. You were focused and able to figure out the gist of it from your determination and Xiao's oddly comforting prescence. You let your mouth curve into a small smirk as determination guided you.


It had been hours and you had refused to stop practicing, You were a sweaty mess and Xiao had gone off elsewhere to get something. You were about to start practicing another polearm technique until you saw it. 

A pyro slime

It wasn't one of the small ones either. It was hopping towards you at a pace slower than expected but fast enough for you to understand it was preparing for a fight. You debated calling Xiao's name but you wanted to do this on your own after all it was just a slime. If you couldn't do this much then wouldn't it all be for nothing? You stared at the slime that was getting closer leaving a trail of burnt grass in it's wake. You held your polearm tightly in hand and prepped yourself just the way Xiao had taught you. Straightning your posture you lunged in and sliced the slime in half only for it to reconnect. You could have sworn this didn't happen in the game but maybe that was because you always oneshotted them. You continued to strike it and felt it begin to slow down but you were slowing down as well. In a moment of weakness you were pushed back by the slime and were exposed to a burning hot pain on your arm


It wasn't a serious burn but it hurt like hell. The slime was coming back to land a blow but you couldn't let it end here. You grabbed your polearm and  thrusted it into the slime before you were blinded by a bright light. When you opened your eyes the pyro slime was dead and the only proof of it's existence being the little burning bits of grass. Looking down you were met with a vision.

A  Hydro Vision

You had just obtained a vision and defeated a slime. It felt like a dream, you were at a loss for words. 

"What happened?" A hurried voice pressed through your thoughts

"Xiao I-"

"Are you alright?"

"Yes but look!" Assuming that immediatly after you got your vision you had full control you attemptted to conjure a small bubble at the tip of your fingers but it turned into a full blast hose of water directed right at Xiao. You felt as if you might have been in more shock than Xiao.

"Oh my god I am so sorry"

Xiao was glaring at you but it wasn't in full effect with the fact that he was completely drenched. You were about to look for a way to help until you were met with a full gust of wind that knocked you down.

"Was that...payback?"


You laughed it off as Xiao dried his clothes off using his Anemo vision that proved pretty useful

While he did that you were able to take a second and think about the fact that you had really achieved the incredible feat of getting a vision in the game you loved. It felt unreal and unlike when you first got here unmotivated and alone you felt a little bit fufilled. Staring at your worn out polearm you held this day as another memory close to your heart.





I actually got the motivation to write another chapter!!?!?!?!?

sorry for the long wait it's been months but I've finally done it. It isn't much but i'm super proud and i've honestly forgotten how fun writing was.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and that my writing wasn't to rusty



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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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