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You woke up the next day mind instantly filled with the happenings of last night. You couldn't help the childish smile that greeted your lips upon realizing it was real. You were officially in a good mood today and decided to go out for a bit.

You didn't go too far due to your new fear of running into some hilichurls so you stayed in the area. You walked beside the water picking flowers for a bit before going out to buy a vase that you had planned to place in your room since it was so bland. Finishing up with the flowers left you a bit hungry though so you decided to try some of the liyue cuisines.


You had returned to the inn when you had heard your name, turning around you found out it was verr

"I didn't get thank you for delivering the Almond Tofu, I'm assuming it went well since I didn't hear any complaints."

"Yep, it went perfectly." You offered a smile before you both waved before going on to continue your separate needs.

Walking into your room you immediately set the vase up placing the flowers in there before filling it with water.

It was nice as your room was incredibly plain and since you had planned on staying here for a while it was good that you were finally getting some decoration in there.

Laying down for a bit you attempted to close your eyes and get some sleep but were only met with an annoying silence and the darkness of your closed eyelids. It seemed your terrible sleep schedule had managed to also come into play in this world.

Getting up you wondered what to do with yourself. It was late but you sure weren't tired. Remembering yesterday, you thought of the balcony and remembered how much you truly wanted to go back, so without thinking much you got up and walked out to the balcony where you were greeted with that same wind that swept you off your feet each time. You were thankful you were allowed to see such a place.

Looking up at the sky you were greeted by the moon again

"Hello." It was stupid but you couldn't help but greet the moon knowing it was just as alone as you were. Unlike the Sun that constantly had clouds coming from every direction to say hello the moon was alone. Surrounded by thousands of stars only to stand by itself, forced to watch as the stars around it talk and laugh while the moon can do nothing but dream of a universe where it's surrounded by stars.

You only sighed hoping that the time spent out here could wash away all of your thoughts but it only caused them to resurface.

It was weird

The universe you dreamed of being in felt so bland. It was beautiful but sometimes it just wasn't enough, it didn't make up for the lost feeling you had not knowing what to do yourself. Was there a reason you were here or was it just some accident? How did you even get here? You could feel the way your eyes watered but never let anything slip by. Why were you here?

It was nice not having people expect anything from you like grades but without those expectations what were you supposed to do. When no one expected anything from you what was your purpose?

"You got any answers?"

Yes, you were talking to the moon again. You had no shame at this point, you were confused, sad maybe, or possibly angry you didn't know, but it caused you to think.

"Does anybody expect anything from you?"

The moon didn't answer so you were left to analyze this yourself. Getting more comfortable with speaking out loud you started to answer things out loud

"Well, People expect you to rise every night so what would you be if people stopped wanting that."

"A planet"

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