01. The Potions

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Since their first meeting, there wasn't a day when Bright and Win had refrained from cursing each other.

Win believes everything started from the day Bright joined Draco and his minions, bullying people who stood against them. Win was one of them as well and saw the same fate eventually.

If it wasn't for Harry, he'd have been limping his way alone to the hospital wing. And that started his friendship with the Golden Trio -Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

As if it was fate (and people believed it to be), starting from the first year in Hogwarts, Bright and Win would top the exams- either Bright gets the first position and Win the second or vice versa. And this fact did nothing but added fuel to their hatred.

Win was a Gryffindor and Bright a Slytherin. Their undying enmity somehow deepened the age-old grudge against the two houses.

(A/N: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw are the four houses in Hogwarts. Every student has to go to the sorting ceremony at the beginning of their first year. The sorting is done based on their abilities and talents)

However, there had been a very very odd incident with Win, that had left him with a perplexed feeling for the Slytherin boy.

It was in his second year when one of the Hufflepuff girl dumped Win, leaving him heartbroken. He remembers him crying his heart out continuously asking what exactly went wrong. And before he could even process everything, someone was already there hugging him, whispering soothingly in his ears. When he pulled away from the warm embrace, he immediately flinched at the realization that the person was none other than Bright Vachirawit Chivaree.

Apart from bringing an uneasy feeling about Bright consoling him, it also brought him an unknown thought that whether the latter has somehow formed a soft corner for him in his heart - which was practically as possible as the law enforcement of legalizing adoption of dragons as pets.

(A/N: In the wizarding world, keeping dragons as pets is prohibited.)

It was on his second year as well when Bright challenged the whole Gryffindor Quidditch team (which was apparently lacking a Beater) for a friendly practice match against the Slytherin. Harry had pointed out Win to play as one of the Beater instead.

(A/N: Quidditch is a wizarding sport. Matches are played on a large oval pitch with three ring-shaped goals of different heights on each side, between two opposing teams of seven players each: three Chasers, two Beaters, the Keeper, and The Seeker. The Chasers and the Keeper respectively score with and defend the goals against the Quaffle; the two Beaters bat the Bludgers away from their teammates and towards their opponents; and the Seeker locates and catches the Golden Snitch, whose capture simultaneously wins the Seeker's team 150 points and ends the game. The team with the most points at the end wins.)

Win had played Quidditch at the Burrow, (Ron's house) many times with Fred and George. Both the twins in turns gave him a lesson on beating away the ferociously flash-flying balls, Bludgers. But still, this challenge filled him up with uncertainty about his talent.

He somehow agreed to this placement and listened patiently to Oliver Wood, their captain throwing strategies at his teammates, before glaring at Bright, the Slytherin Beater, who kept looking at him.

It didn't take time for the Gryffindor team to win, thanks to Harry's swift hands and the Firebolt model of the broomstick. Win did fairly well in beating away the Bludgers. However, he must admit that Bright was an excellent player, nonetheless.

After the match, Professor McGonagall was persuaded by Oliver Wood to take in Win as their new Beater, while throwing random game strategies at her.

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