03. The Three Broomsticks

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After the Quidditch accident, there wasn't a day, Bright hadn't come to meet Win in the hospital wing and there, obviously, wasn't a day when Win blushed because of Bright.

The final Quidditch match went well and Gryffindor won it again. And everything was back to being peaceful.

The dreadful weeks of exams approached pretty fast and Win was studying all the time. He studied with Bright at the library in the morning and then returned to the common room in the evening to study with his friends.

Hermione had made them all (including Bright) a tight revision schedule despite all the grumblings from Ron about how he's gonna fail either way.

Needless to say, they gave the exam pretty well. They all were happy after the final exam as their first Hogsmeade week was on the first Saturday of December, which was one week from now.

(A/N: The Hogsmeade is a wizarding village near the Hogwarts and Hogwarts students from the third year or above are allowed to visit it on the weekend.)

"Win, do you want to come with me to the Hogsmeade this weekend?" Bright asked while staring at the book, he was holding.

They were currently hanging out at the library and Win was reading an article about Amortentia, while Bright read the advanced book of spells.

Win snapped his head up to look at Bright. Did he hear it correctly? Was Bright Vachirawit Chivaree asking him out?!


"Are you— like do you have any plans on this weekend?" He asked, shuttering between the words.

"Um... No. I am free, just going to hang out with anyone who asks me", Win answers subtly hinting him to ask him out. His heart was thumping hard in his rib cage.

Since when was he feeling this way for Bright?

"Then do you want to go out for this Hogsmeade trip with me?" Bright asked looking for a few moments at Win's eyes and then back to his book.

"Like a date?" Win couldn't help but blurt out.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

It must be like a date, especially when they were holding hands a lot these days (for keeping Win's hands warm and for not letting him fall sick again, Bright had reasoned out, and Win too started intentionally leave his gloves back on his four-poster bed).

"If you want it to be", Bright said, immediately regretting the way it sounded.

He has been regretting his behavior towards Win ever since he met him. He tries to behave badly with the Bunny boy, probably because, he makes his heart quiver and thump out loud.

"Oh", Win said.

Silence engulfed them again.

"Hmm", Bright broke the silence, looking at Win's eyes squarely.

"See you on Saturday then", Win said, blushing even more red as he jumped out of his seat and put the book in its correct place. He then waved a hand at Bright and strode towards the front door.

Bright cursed himself for ruining the whole mood.

Bright cursed himself for ruining the whole mood

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