02. The Quidditch

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Since their first potion class with Amortentia, there hasn't been a day when Bright hadn't teased Win and vice versa.

Both would subtly bicker and tease each other at the potion classes, Care of Magical Creature classes, and Defence against dark arts classes.

Harry, Hermoine, and Ron knew perfectly well that something was going on between the two. When they would question Win, he'd simply answer, "couple, my ass. I still hate him."

And then he would look down blushing red and look up again, "well, Bright isn't that bad, you know" and the trio would just nod their heads understanding what they had to understand.

(A/N: *winks*)

Soon it was the quidditch season and Win and Harry had to start simultaneous practices at the quidditch field and then had to run back to the castle and revising for their midterms.

The September rains made it too difficult to practice but their captain Wood wrote down strategies after strategies to ace at the game and called many practices each day.

Their first match was with Slytherin, Wood had announced them on a rainy Sunday before their practice. And as if to give the sentence some dramatic poignancy, a clap of thunder was heard at the distance.

Bright started sending a tawny owl every night with letters and Win started replying to it almost immediately. They kept talking in the same way, none of them willing to stop. ("I feel good when I talk to him", Win had reasoned out to Harry on one morning.)

"I think he is trying to cut off your concentration from the game, by keeping you indulged in this whole thing", Hermoine grumbled a week before the game.

"Exactly, Win! I don't think he meant well. I mean he hated you, didn't he? Then why did he suddenly started the 'friendly' behavior?" Ron nodded before entering the conversation.

"I don't think so, Ron", Harry said," I think, Bright likes you Win. I haven't seen any double emotions in Bright's eyes when he's talking to our Bunny."

Win's stomach somersaulted," Bright did say, he enjoys talking with me. Plus, he's a half-blood, just like me. He's really interesting!"

(A/N: half-blood means the wizard or the witch whose one of the parents is not a magic folk and the other is either a wizard or a witch.)

"What is he doing with Malfoy, if he's a half-blood?" Ron asked.

"His father works with Malfoy's father at the ministry that makes them friends", Win answered.

"Ron, Malfoy will talk to anyone as long as their parents work with his father and is either rich or famous! That bastard he is!" Harry said.

"But still, I don't think Bright is a person you want to tangle your life with, Win", Hermoine said rubbing her chin, "at least until the game with Slytherin ends".

"And did you forget how he pushed on the platform three years ago?" Ron asked plopping in different flavored beans.

(A/N: a popular snack in the wizarding world)

Win nodded hesitantly, before leaning against the backrest and closing his eyes.

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