°。Chapter 4。° Chrash!

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~A/N~ Hi, sorry I haven't posted for a while. Didn't bother drawing anything again so have some music. Enjoy!


I had hoisted myself up above the others, my arms, legs and tail holding myself above them. "Geez, how long do you need to stay in the smelly space bucket! We've been in here forevvvver!" I whined. "Kokichi, it's only been 5 minutes." Shuichi sighed. I huffed in annoyance. "If you had better technology, we'd already be there." I mumbled.

**//Timeskip to 2 days later (they're really close to Earth)//**

"UUUUUUGH! I'M. SO. BOOOOORED!" I complained. "We know, Kokichi. This is the 100,000th time you've said that." Kaede sighed, resting her head on the hand. "Talk about over exaggerating!" I whined. "You're the one talking." Kaito mumbled. "I'm not exaggerating, Shuichi and I have been counting how many times you've said that since we left the station." Kaede replied.

I huffed and puffed my checks out. "Kaito, there's something wrong with the fuel again." Maki said. "What?" Was all he said. "We have over estimated how far it could take us, or we using too much. We're just about to run out of it in 5 minutes." Maki replied, seeming unfazed that they could die here. "WHAT?!" they all shouted in unison (except Maki).

"Put your ugly fish bowl thingies on, okay?" I said as I made my way up to a hatch so I could get out of the ship. I waited until they had put them on, then climbing out of the hatch. I could still hear their convocations inside. "Great. The little shit ditched us." Maki grumbled. I rolled my eyes at her.

**//3RD PERSON POV//**

The crew inside of the small space shuttle were in panic, but, that was an understatement. This time, they didn't know how to save themselves. Kokichi watched from the blind spots of the windows, giggling at their faces, he found them the funniest thing he's seen that year.

Two slits on the back of his shirt widened as two large, lilac wings spouted from his back. He flapped them around slightly, getting used to having his wings back. He hadn't used that for a while. He moved his way to the back of the ship. He started pushing against the shuttle and flapping his wings to help push himself in hopes of moving it closer to Earth.

Shuichi and the others felt the large push on the ship, as if it was like the start of a carnival ride. The blunette pushed his face against the side window, getting a glimpse of Kokichi's purple hair and large wings. His eyes widened at the sight of the feathered wings, they were beautiful to him.

They continued to feel the large pushes. The ship had just used it's last amount of fuel. This time, they felt a push larger than the others before it, but it never left, it continued to push the crew and shuttle towards the Earth. "We're nearly there! We just need to make it through the atmosphere!" Kaede shouted out. It was getting really loud from the spcraps of metal flying off of the ship and the metal starting to burn.

Shuichi could only hope that Kokichi was Okay.

~A/N~ Hey! I'm so sorry for not updating! I kinda forgot I had this 😅 also I'm sorry it's short (like Kokichi-) I just wanted to post something on this soon for you guys.

//DISCONTINUE\\ ~Extra Terrestrial~ (Alien!Kokichi x Shuichi)Where stories live. Discover now