author's note

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Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for reading next to you. I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is the longest story I've finished so far, and I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to share this journey with all of you.

Honestly, next to you has turned out to be unlike any other story I've written. I'm honestly very, very sad to leave this little world behind, but the least I could do was guide these characters to a happy ending. Again, thank you so much for reading, and if you have any questions or comments about the story (or you just want to chat!), my inbox and DMs are always open.

New updates to the eclipse and petal are coming, but I'm also publishing a new book called open hands and closed fists but nothing fills the silence. The prologue and the first chapter are available now, and I'm going to post a new chapter every single day until the story is finished (the book is only 20 chapters total, but it'll be an exciting two ish weeks)!

You can follow me on Twitter and Instagram (@ edwritesromance) where I go live for a little chat almost every Saturday at 8am EST. You can also check out the links in my bio to fill out a form about paperback copies or support my writing by buying me a coffee. :)

All the love, always. Please take care of yourselves. Until next time. <3


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