End of the Road

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A/N: Here it is folks, Chapter 16!

I just want to say a big thank you to all who have viewed, followed, voted and reviewed over this past year - yes! It has now been a year since I started this crazy story!

Thank you all so much for your love and support! It means the world to me.

With that said, I hope you like this chapter and please let me know your thoughts on the way out!

Enjoy! :)


"Robin!" shouts the voice of none other than little John before the said man is swiftly engulfed in a bone-crushing bear hug, "Welcome back, my friend."

The thief barely manages to pat the man on his arm as the air is squeezed from his lungs. "It's good to see you too." Robin manages to reply in a strangled whisper once he is released from the bear-like man's grasp. "However, I must enquire as to why my son was left on his own." the thief quips as he turns to face the man with a raised eyebrow.

"You know how the lad is," Little John replies with a tired groan, "he runs all over the place. It's hard to keep up with him!"

"That may be the case," Robin relents with a faint smile before adding, "but despite the fact that I know he is safe here, I don't like the idea of him wandering on his own."

Placing a comforting hand on the blue-eyed man's shoulder, John says, "I understand, Robin. And I promise that he was never far from my sight."

Knowing that his friend is telling the truth, Robin simply nods in response.

Then all of a sudden, the outlaw feels a small weight crash into his legs. Immediately knowing who it is, a smile makes its way onto the thief's lips as he bends down to pick up the boy before tossing him into the air.

Roland's laughter echoes around them, causing Robin's own laughter to burst forth as he spins them around. Just as he lowers his son to rest against his hip, the bowman notices Little John retreat in the direction of the tents silently, silently thanking his friend for some time alone with his son, the outlaw settles his attention on the boy. The blue-eyed man immediately takes notice of the dirt smudges on his son's face and hands, "And what have you been up to little man?"

"I've been making mud pies, Papa!" Roland exclaims proudly with a toothy grin, "Do you wanna see?"

"Of course, I do." the thief replies with a grin of his own.

As soon as his son is placed onto the ground, he grabs Robin's hand and drags him over to the base of a nearby tree where sure enough, there is a reasonably sized area of mud. Roland promptly crouches in front of it and beckons for the outlaw to follow suit. He complies, squatting next to his son and taking note of the three small blobs of mud that have been sprinkled with various assortments of grass and sticks.

"Well, I must say, they look rather tasty." Robin declares. "Can I give one a try?" he asks as he moves to pick one up.

"No. Silly Papa!" Roland declares with a giggle and a vigorous shake of his head before he explains, "They're not for eating. You don't eat mud!"

"Oh, of course my boy," the thief agrees with a nod of his head, "how very silly indeed."

As he continues to giggle, the boy starts to gather more mud into his hands and Robin follows suit.

"So, if these pies aren't to be eaten, what are the for?" the blue-eyed man asks as his gaze falls onto his son once again.

"They're gifts." Roland replies, his face adorably scrunched up in concentration.

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