Part 83

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After the incident at Clarke's house, Lexa decided to spend New Year without her family, she needed space from her father and time to think. So, Clarke and Lexa passed the year only with each other drinking, watching movies, and making love on the couch. It was the first weekend of the year and Clarke wanted to make it special. Seeing the love of her life sad broke her heart, so as she opened her eyes in the morning, she decided to make that two days only about bringing Lexa happiness.

-Good Morning my love.

Clarke whispered into Lexa's ear, giving her a soft kiss and putting her hand on her lover's naked stomach.

-Let me sleep.

Lexa groaned turning on her side with her back to Clarke.

-Come on baby, today is gonna be fun.

Clarke insisted, getting her arms around Lexa's waist and hugging her girlfriend, pressing her naked body against Lexa's back.

-Mhm, what do you have in mind?

Lexa whispered, turning around to face Clarke. Clarke gave her a soft kiss and answered:

-We, my love, are going to the Mountains for the weekend! Raven and Luna are coming too.

 Clarke said exited standing up and putting her robe on.

-So we better get ready, because they will be here in one hour and we still have to pack.

Lexa stood up heavily, walked to Clarke, kissed her softly, and went to the shower without saying a word. Clarke started getting the winter clothes out of the drawer and throwing them on the bed. As Clarke finished packing Lexa came out of the bathroom to get dressed.

-What a nice view...

Clarke joked looking provocative from the side of their bed. Lexa rolled her eyes but smiled while she walked to the drawer to get a shirt.

-We should dress up, they will be here soon.

Lexa said getting inside her Jeans and shirt.

-I am ready, I'll go down make us some Coffee while you finish covering that hotness.

Clarke smirked and walked out of the room and started to go downstairs. Lexa laughed and walked to the bathroom again. After some Minutes Lexa joined her girlfriend in the kitchen.

-Didn't you say you were only going to make Coffee?

Lexa asked looking at the pancakes on the kitchen counter.

-Yeah, but you are so slow that I got bored and decided to make something to eat.

Clarke said provocative.

-Ha Ha Ha, very funny.

Lexa said taking a pancake and giving it a bite. As Clarke started to sit down the door rang.

-Looks like they're here, I'll go open the door, we still have some time until we have to go. We need to get there before dark.

Clarke said walking to the door while Lexa got more plates for their Friends.

-Heyyyyy, ready for the best weekend of this year?

Raven screamed walking inside the house.

-Babe, you realize it's the first weekend of the year, right?

Luna joked.

-You know what I mean.

Raven said rolling her eyes sitting down next to Lexa.

-Hey you, what's this?

Luna said leaning over her cousin to get a pancake.

-Lex took so long to get ready that I was scared I would starve waiting, so I decided to make some breakfast.

Clarke joked walking to Lexa and giving her a soft kiss on the cheek.

-You are very funny today my love.

Lexa said rolling her eyes and taking another bite of her pancake. They all sat down and started eating breakfast and planning their car ride.

-So, we take shifts, the first half of the ride you drive, the second half you and Clarke can go to the back seats and let me and Luna drive. Okay?

Raven asked looking at Clarke and Lexa.

-Okay, I'll drive and Clarke can be our DJ.

Lexa joked looking at her love.

-Great then, but Clarke please, no Justin Bieber.

Raven begged, joking.

-Oh don't worry, the whole ride will be about Demi's new song, I still haven't memorized it fully, so I have to get to that.

Clarke said and everyone laughed.

-Now, let's clean all of this and get on the road, or else we won't get there before dark, and it's dangerous with all the snow.

Lexa said getting up and taking her plate to the kitchen sink. They all helped and after 10 minutes everyone was ready to go. Lexa and Clarke went to the room to get their bags and as they were leaving the room Clarke grabbed her girl's wrist and pulled her close giving her a long passionate kiss.

-What was that for?

Lexa asked as they pulled away.

-I love you, that's the reason.

Clarke said.

-I love you too baby.

Lexa answered smiling at her girlfriend.

They walked down and checked all the lights before closing up the door. They got inside the car and Lexa turned the keys. Luna and Raven got comfortable in the backseats while Clarke connected her phone to the car radio.

*Thought when I grew up, I would be the same as the ones who gave me my last name.....*

Clarke started singing as the music started playing.

-I feel like we will all learn this song by hard until we arrive there.

Lexa joked talking loud over the music.

*I'm livin' my life so I go to Heaven and never come back..*

Clarke sang louder to provoke Lexa.

*But look where I'm at, I'm livin' the life that I said I wouldn't and wanna go back...*

-Lexa continued loud looking at her girlfriend provocative.

-Ahh, so you know the lyrics too?

Clarke asked surprised.

-No wonder, it has been released two days ago and I'm sure half of the visualizations are from you.

Luna joked and everyone laughed except for Clarke who just sang louder.

Three hours passed and they decided to change places. When they got to the gas station everyone got off the car and stretched. Raven kept singing even after Clarke turned the music off.

-See, it is good isn't it??

Clarke asked bumping softly into Raven.

-It really is catchy.

Raven admitted and they all got in the car again.

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