Part 16

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Their seats were in the middle and on the top. Finn had the first seat then Raven's, Clarke's, and Lexa's. The movie started and in the beginning, it wasn't that scary but then it got scarier and scarier with every minute. Lexa looked at Clarke every time the blonde jumped up a little in her seat when a scary part happened. The movie almost ended and this was the time when the big scary part was. The music was terrifying and the action was slow. Clarke knew something bad gonna happen but she didn't know when. Then the villain came out of nowhere and killed the woman while she was creaming. Clarke got scared but this time she grabbed Lexa's hand and put it close to her chest. Lexa was surprised by Clarke's action but she didn't mind what the blonde did. Lexa even put her hand on Clarke's tight and looked in the blond's eyes to show that she has nothing to afraid of. Clarke looked deeply into Lexa's eyes and she still held Lexa's hand. They were looking in each other's eyes for minutes then Clarke felt water going down on Lexa's hand.

-Lexa your hand.

Clarke whispered while she looked at Lexa's hand and saw that she put her nails in Lexa's skin what caused a little bleeding. Clarke let go of Lexas's hand and Lexa took a look at it.

-I'm fine.

Lexa whispered to Clarke and she leaned closer to the blonde.

-We need to go to the bathroom.

-Clarke, it's okay.

-Lexa, please.

Clarke begged and Lexa nodded. Clarke told Raven they have to go to the bathroom then they left. They arrived in the bathroom and no one was there.

-Go wash your hands and I get some paper towel.

Clarke said as if she was about to make a surgery on Lexa.

-Clarke, it's just a little scratch don't panic.

Lexa said while she was washing her blood down from her hand.

-I know but it's my mistake. I shouldn't have come to this idiot movie.

Clarke said angrily and she went close to Lexa while paper towel was in her hands. Lexa turned around and the space between them got smaller. Lexa was looking in the blue eyes and opened her mouth a little bit so she can say something but she couldn't. Clarke could feel Lexa's hot breath on her skin and she got lost in the forest green eyes. Clarke got closer to Lexa without knowing what she has done. Lexa's breathing fastened up so as Clarke's. Lexa looked down at Clarke's beautiful lips then back in her eyes. Clarke noticed what is happening between them so she stepped back.

-Uhhhm....give me your hand.

Clarke said and she blushed a little. Lexa did as Clarke said without any word.

-I apologize.

Clarke said because she still felt guilty for making Lexa bleed.

-For what?

Lexa asked confused while she watched how the blonde wrapped her hand in a paper towel.

-For making you bleed.

Clarke said and she was done so she went to the trash to throw out some paper towels.

-I'm fine.

Lexa said while she took a look at her hand.

-Can I ask you a personal question?

Clarke asked with her back to Lexa.


Lexa responded and looked at the blonde who now turned around.

-Why don't you want the treatment for your blood?

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