Part 34

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Lexa woke up and she was in the same position as yesterday night. Clarke was sleeping peacefully on her chest and it made Lexa smile. Lexa heard a soft knock on the door. Abby came in and she was surprised seeing her daughter sleeping in Lexa's arms and Lexa got nervous because she is still Clarke's mother.

-Good morning. I made some breakfast and I'm going to work.

Abby whispered because she didn't want to weak Clarke up.

-Okay, we will be down when Clarke woke up.

Lexa whispered too and Abby nodded one.

-Tell Clarke that she can't come working today because she needs rest. I will tell the boss she is sick.

Abby said and Lexa nodded one than she went out of the room. Lexa looked at Clarke and played with her hair for some seconds.

-What are you doing with me?

Lexa whispered because she thought Clarke was sleeping. Clarke heard what Lexa was saying and she almost smiled. Clarke was pretending to sleep for more minutes then she slowly opened her eyes.

-Good morning.

Clarke said with a raspy voice and she smiled at Lexa.

-Good morning.

Lexa said and she smiled back at Clarke.

-Your mom made us breakfast and she told that you can't go to work today because...

Lexa stopped because she didn't want to bring up what happened with Clarke.

-Should we go get some food?

Clarke asked and she sat up in the bed.

-Yes, I'm starving.

Lexa said then they went down to the kitchen. Abby made muffins, croissants, and coffee.

-Wow, your mother is good at cooking.

Lexa said and they sat around the table and put food on their plates.

-She is the best.

Clarke replied and now they were quiet. It wasn't an awkward silence they just enjoyed the food and each other's company. After they were done with eating they put their plates in the sink and started to clean down the table.

-Can I ask you something?

Clarke asked and she continued cleaning the table.


Lexa said and she put the muffins on the counter then she went back to the table.

-Last night when I was in your car and I said that I was scared you said "I know". For me that " I know " sounded like you know what is it feels like to be...

Clarke said and she stopped with cleaning and looked at Lexa who stopped too and she was looking at the ground.

-That was your question?

Lexa asked cold and she looked at Clarke. Clarke was quiet for a minute then she asked it.

-Did you got raped?

Clarke asked and she was still looking in Lexa's eyes. Lexa was quiet before she answered Clarke.

-When they took me away they taught me how to fight and trained me to be strong. They said that if someone gets kidnapped by the enemy we can't tell them anything. They tortured me so if the enemy gets me they won't be able to break me. They put me underwater for minutes, created high temperatures in a room, and cut me 50 times. The scars on my back are the cuts they did.

Lexa explained and Clarke had tears in her eyes. Lexa didn't finish with her story so she continued.

-The last thing they prepared us is sex. They thought if the enemy take us and they sent in someone to do things with us we will be able to not break. I said to them that I'm gay and I don't want it with a man but they didn't care about it. I was 17 and I was fighting against them so they chained me to a desk and...

Lexa couldn't finish because tears were streaming down on her face. Clarke hugged Lexa and the brunette was sobbing on Clarke's shoulder. Clarke never heard Lexa sobbing before and she knew that this hurt her.

-How could someone do this to you?

Clarke asked but Lexa was still sobbing.

-They had to do it.

Lexa said and she pulled back from the hug but they were still close.

-No, they don't have to. The chances of that happening are low. You told them you are gay and they didn't care, they crossed the fucking line.

Clarke said in a soft and angry voice and looked in Lexa's eyes.

-I should have died back then.

Lexa said and tears filled her eyes again.

-Don't say that.

Clarke said angry and she grabbed Lexa by her shoulder and shook her a little then she continued talking.

-People need you, Lexa.

Clarke said and she looked in the green eyes.

-Yeah, like who?

Lexa asked and she scoffed one.

-Lincoln, your mother, and me. Do you hear me? I need you. Without you, I would have died on that street.

Clarke said and her hands hold Lexa's.

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