Reflecting (Rewritten)

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A/N: I'm glad I was at least able to do an update of this story today.

ALSO: Content warning for mentions of child abuse.


"Teresa told my mamma that she will be here in two days," Niccolo said before lighting a cigarette and taking a puff. He was with Florentina and Ricardo sitting out on the terrace of the Rossi mansion. The three of them had finally had time to meet without the others being present.

"You know..." Florentina began. "Considering how Teresa's family came into power just a decade ago, I wouldn't put it past her to be doing the same to us. She may hold a grudge considering our family is the reason the Valentini didn't take more land from the Montella family."

"The same can be said about Alessandro," Ricardo added. "Instead of taking the side of the Montella family in that conflict, nonno (grandpa) decided to allow the Valentini to keep the territory they'd taken and form an alliance. Meanwhile, the Montella family had no choice but to accept that compromise since we wouldn't help them."

Niccolo nodded as he listened to his cousins. "You both make good points, but in my talks with Alessandro, it doesn't seem to be a point of contention, surprisingly. He seems content with focusing on the Campagna region alone. Also, whoever it is that is sabotaging us, it appears they are doing so covertly, which is the total opposite of the Valentini approach."

"That could be a way to throw us off," Florentina replied. "They know we wouldn't suspect them because the nature of the attacks is not their style. It is also curious that we've had problems with the Montella family and the Marino family in Sicily, but still no issues with the Valentini."

"That is as of yet. There is still time for whatever is going on to hit that region as well. Also..." Niccolo paused and looked between Florentina and Ricardo. "My mamma said they think it could be one of us."

"What?!" shouted an offended Florentina. "They only make these accusations because they don't like us. Why would we sabotage our own family?! It would hurt us as well. What would we accomplish from that?!"

"Florentina is right," Ricardo nodded. "Coups never go well in families and if anything the people under us would be less inclined to trust a traitor. It would be chaos for the Rossi empire and risk our entire legacy."

"Humph," huffed an unconvinced Niccolo. "That wouldn't apply to us. We know that among the ranks, there is some dissent. Some are against a woman controlling the family, many have questioned why the Americanos should have any say in what we do, and then there are those in our respective units of the family who are more loyal to us than the 'Rossi' as an entity."

"You've got it all figured out, don't you?" Florentina questioned, leaning in toward Niccolo. "Could it be you?"

"I would never insult the Rossi family or my mamma like that."

"Really?" Ricardo challenged. "We all know how you really feel about your mamma."

"Shut up!" Niccolo snapped. "And how do we know it's not you, or both of you? You won't stop talking about your papa who would've been the rightful heir if he didn't die."

"And you resent your mamma for your papa's death. What better way to get revenge than taking her down and destroying the Rossi empire?"

Niccolo finished the last puff of his cigarette and crossed his arms. "I do not blame her," he grumbled. "She is equally my parent as he was... Maybe we need to change the subject. This conversation is not getting us anywhere and the saboteur probably wants to break us apart from the inside like this."

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