Chapter 14

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Commodore Faro was relaying Thrawn's orders on the bridge while (Y/N) and all of her crewmates were tackling a small fleet of Grysk ships near the planet Mokivj. Most of them were unable to fend off the TIE Defenders, but one single ship had managed to veer off and escape the battle.

"The Grysk ship has jumped to lightspeed. The Defenders were unable to intercept." one of the Imperial crew members informed them.

"Understood. Fighter squadrons, turbolasers: full attack. Destroy them all." the Grand Admiral ordered.

Soon enough, all the remaining enemy ships were destroyed. After their most recent encounters with them had resulted in many deaths on both sides, Thrawn had determined that boarding the Grysk ships to take prisoners was too dangerous. Their mission in the Trion sector had taught them that they were an undeniable threat and needed to be dealt with accordingly.

Once Vader and his First Legion returned from their rescue mission on the surface, some quarters were prepared for the new passengers. While the Chimaera was fighting in the planet's vicinity, the Dark Lord had gone to retrieve young Chiss prisoners that had been kidnapped by the Grysks. Because none of them could understand Basic, they were offered quarters near Thrawn's private cabin. (Y/N) guessed it was a way for him to keep an eye on them and make them feel safe aboard a ship full of people they didn't recognize nor understand.

Not long after the ship jumped to hyperspace, most of the crew pit was dismissed with only a few officers staying behind to man the stations. The young lieutenant happily welcomed her break and headed towards Thrawn's quarters. She was curious to see if she could meet some of the prisoners they had rescued while she was there. Once she turned the corner of the last hallway, her legs stopped working and she stood frozen in surprise.

Thrawn was surrounded by a group of young Chiss girls that couldn't be more than six or seven years old. All of them had the same deep blue complexion, the same dark blue hair and the same glowing red eyes. Thrawn was crouching near them, his eyes lowered at the same level as the children's, and they were all talking together. Soon enough, his eyes glanced to the side and he noticed the lieutenant standing still in the hallway. He spoke a little more to the girls before standing up straight and walking to her.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" he immediately asked her when he reached her.

"I... I didn't expect them to be so young." she managed to say.

It wasn't exactly a lie. She was indeed surprised to see that the Chiss were just harmless young children. She wondered why the Grysks had gone to such lengths to kidnap them. The part she kept to herself was that seeing Thrawn surrounded by children reminded her of her situation. Her heartbeat increased when she thought about the small being nestled in her stomach which he was still unaware of.

"Come with me." he said calmly before placing his hand behind her back to motion her forward.

They walked back to meet the young girls still gathered in the hallway. They were patiently waiting for the Admiral and all listened politely to what he told them. He had spoken to them in what she assumed was their native language, but her ears managed to catch her own name in the conversation. They all smiled and bowed their heads respectfully at her. Not knowing what to do, (Y/N) answered with a smile and a small wave of her hand.

"What did you tell them? I think I heard you tell them my name?" she asked him.

"Yes. I introduced you as one of my lieutenants... and as my companion." Thrawn answered.

He gently caressed her back with the hand he still had behind her and turned his attention away from the girls to see her reaction. She felt the intensity of his gaze and her throat tightened with emotion.

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