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Jiyai POV

I sat in a cold blue room as I shivered, it felt below zero in the here. "Jiyai.." I heard one of the guards call out my name. I slowly drag myself off of the bed as I headed down the hall towards his room. The devils playground I like to call it. As I stood in front of the door with barely a piece of cloth on my body, The guard slowly opened his mouth... "he seems really upset about your incident earlier..." I let a tear fall down my cheek not caring that he was watching me. "I-" cutting me off as the door was viciously snatched open by δάσκαλος. "LEAVE MICHEAL!" He shouted in my ear as a guard quickly nodded his head and sped walk down the hallway. I felt wind then a sudden sting on my cheek as I fell to the ground. "You fucking little bitch! I heard you tried to escape this morning!" He screamed as he balled up his fist. "NO!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face. He leaned down and grab my face and whispered on my lips "you know what.. i'm not mad, Half of the other girls doesn't have twice of the balls to do what you've done.. they know I would have ripped them into shreds" he smirked as I snatched my face away from his grip. he leaned forward as he grabbed my hips and pressed his hard print between my legs. "I was going to have mercy for you, my baby παρθένα , but what the hell! I wanna feel your tight walls around my member" he mumbled in my ear. my mouth hung open as his raspy laugh rung in my ears. "you're my σκλάβος σεξ" he grabbed a hand full of my hair and dragged me across the floor into his room. "πλοίαρχος παρακαλώ ! παρακαλώ σταματήστε !" {master please! please stop!} He tugged at my hair as I whimpered out louder. "DON'T TELL ME TO STOP!" He yelled as he turned a kicked open the door. "STAND ON YOUR FEET!" He shouted as I quickly tried to get up. As I stood up he ripped the bits of cloth I had on. I gasped as I felt the cold wind on my chest. I tried to cover up my body but he only hit me. I fell to the ground as I groaned in pain. "Μην ξεχνάτε γαμημένο το σώμα σας ανήκει σε μένα !" {don't forget your fucking body belongs to me!} i stared at the floor as I seen little spots of blood dripping from my nose. He slowly leaned down as he pulled my face towards his. "I fucking own you now Jiyai. Don't forget that"

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