Chapter one: Welcome!

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I couldn't help but ease drop on what was going on a couple of rooms down from me. I could her this girls screams and whimpers as she cried out for forgiveness and mercy. Some girl told me she tried to escape before I was even brought here this morning, but it's honestly none of my business. How rude of me not introducing myself to you. Hi, I'm Bri. I had the best 17 year old life you would ever wish for, both parents in my life, both filthy rich, they never told me no, and life was like a box of chocolates. Until one night I was washing my face and overheard my mother screaming in the next room.

"Mom ... MOM?" I shouted as I peeked my head out of the bathroom. It was silent and everything was so still. I slowly pushed my leg out of the bathroom door letting my toe touch the ground. I kept the towel wrapped around my body tight as I stared off in the distance. I heard a sudden move. I quickly shut the bathroom lights off and jumped back in there. The foot steps came closer... and close... until they stopped. I heard nothing. Not my mother, nor my father. As soon as I looked out the door I felt a firm grip around my hips snatching me and throwing me onto the floor. I hit my head on the hard headboard.

Then , I woke up here. To hearing these noises I don't want to here. I hope she's ok who ever it is.. But who wouldn't try to escape? Am I next?


I shook in fear as I sobbed my eyes out on the so called bed. This is hell! Who would ever kidnap me?! Why me?! I let the thoughts over flow my head as I cried some more... Ugh .. Mhm I'm Nya. I'm exactly that tumblr girl who you think is cutting herself for attention or just for fame or that girl who is in the far right cover talking to herself cause she has no one.. I'm depressed. Depressed is me. Only being kidnapped would make my life worse than what it is... But hey! What the fuck! Maybe it'll spark a fun change for me! .... No Nya , you're fucking crazy. "NO YOU'RE FUCKING CRAZY" I shouted at myself as the room suddenly went silent again. Ok , maybe I do have some problems ... I stared off into the distance as I let my tears dry my face. I'm 16 I shouldn't be living my life this way... If he kills me here , hey I'm cool with it

Cara POV

I'm freaking the fuck out right now. I don't know where I am or what the hell is going on. Last thing I remember is getting drunk with Alexander... Shit! Fuck! I paced across the small room as I heard disturbing noises next door.. The hell.. It sounded like a girl is being forced.. against.. her will. Then it suddenly stopped. My room door flung open as I jumped harder than ever. "Mhm.." A lightskin guy with tattoos up and down his arms with pink plum lips growled at me. I suddenly felt a bit scared but then a bit wet for him... "What's your name" he mumbled upon his lips as he stared at my boobs. "C-cara" I whispered as I backed up on the bed. He only smirked at me and asked "are you a virgin?"

Maddison POV

"FUCK THIS" I screamed as I banged on the room door. Who the fuck are they to take me out of my own home to bring me here. The hell are we here for? I knew I wasn't the only one cause I seen one girl in each room they carried me by. "LET ME OUT!" I screeched to the top of my lungs as I kicked at the door with my all. The door was yanked open as I fell straight back hit my head. "CHILL THE FUCK OUT BEFORE YOU GET US BOTH IN TROUBLE" a dark skin man by my door shouted at me. "FUCK YOU! I DONT GIVE TWO SHITS ABOUT TROUBLE! LET ME OUT!!" "YOU'LL FUCKING CARE WHEN HE FUCKING DECAPITATES YOUR ASS!" I immediately became silent. "who would ever be so cruel.." I mumbled as I stared past the man. "just.. just calm down ok?! you'll get us both killed.." he whispered as he leaned down towards me. I quickly crawled backwards. "trust me please.. i wouldn't dare hurting you.." he said calmly reacting out for my hand as I just looked. "... call me Jamal" he mumbled as he reacted further. I slowly gave him my hand as he helped me up, I quickly blurted out "maddison"

Shai POV

I sat on the bed swiftly rocking back and forth. I didn't know what to do honestly.. I'm not going to say I had the best life at home but I'm really creeped out.. I've never really thought about being kidnapped until now. "Rooms A1-16 come to the conference room now" I quickly jumped up and walked towards the door.. I've literally been sitting up, thinking in this room for 16 hours. The door made a buzzz! before my palm touched the knob, signaling the door was unlocked and I could open it now. I snatched the door open and seen about 16 other girls like me walking in the same direction. I wonder what the hell are we getting in to. As we all arrived in the same room there was a highly attractive man standing in the middle of it. I swallowed my spit as hard as I could as I shivered in fear. "Welcome to your new home!" A nice looking guy with tattoos all over his body yelled as his voice rang through my ears. "Call me δάσκαλος" he said with a white straight smile , I narrowed my eyes. I had no clue what language he was speaking. "W-what does that mean" the girl next to me mumbled. "Master in Greek" he shouted as he snapped his neck in her direction. "Get used to it... You'll need it" he mumbled as he bit his lips and stared at my ass. "Καλώς ήρθατε στο σπίτι σκλάβοι του σεξ , να συνηθίσουν στην κόλαση , και την αίσθηση του εγκαύματος ."

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