Chapter Three: Sociopath

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noun: sociopath; plural noun: sociopaths
a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

Allyn POV

Life here... it's weird. It's like we're animals and only need food and water to live while we're locked up most of the day... or we'll have random meetings with that guy. I overheard some of the girls saying they had visits from him.

Like he would come to their rooms, maybe I'm doing what I need to so that's why he doesn't come. I stared at the gray ceiling wondering what my family was thinking or doing right now. My thoughts were knocked off by the intercom. "Rooms A1-5 come to the living room, Mr. Brown needs you"

".. I'm room A4" I quickly got up, eagerly ready to leave this room. As I touched the door knob it scanned my hand then unlocked. I wondered what this guy wanted.. who was Mr. Brown?
As I creeped down the beautiful red velvet halls, I seen four pretty innocent looking girls walking beside me.

As we arrived to the living room the chair wasn't facing us, but I seen I mans hand with a cigar bud in his hand. His arm had a trail of tattoos until it disappeared into the chair. He spun the chair quickly around and I seen the familiar face. He grinned very widely and slowly spoke.

"I suppose you all wonder why you're here. It's because I trust you.. If I trust you, you have a pretty good start in this house.. And a pretty good chance of living." He slowly took a drink of his Scotch, then swallowed. "I have a new girl that will arrive in about two hours or so.. And I need you guys to help."

In the strike of a second, his eyes flickered over to mine. My eyes widened as I felt the room suddenly become hot. "Allyn.." He mumbled softly as he twirled his glass around. "ναι πλοίαρχος" I mumbled as I looked at him. He smirked as he slowly got up from his seat, putting down his glass cup but keeping his cigar bud.

He walked up to me as he inhaled from his cigar and blew the air in my face. I expected it to smell like pure nastiness, like cigarette breathe.. but it smelt pure sweet, something I've never smelt before. I inhaled as I leaned forward to smell more but he gave me an odd look, so I stopped.

He slowly slipped something in my back pocket and whispered "δωμάτιό μου , σε δέκα". My mouth opened a bit to ask why but he cut me off. He leaned very close to my face and leaned towards my lips. "Don't ask why.." He mumbled on my lips as he turned away.

Ariana POV

As he walked away from the girl, he began speaking to us again. "Her name is Jazmine, she's been one of my little delicates for as long as I know it.. I watched her grow up, constantly following the years waiting until she became the age I wanted her to be.." He slowly closed his eyes and bit his bottom lip, until his eyes opened wide and I swear they glared with the color red.

"And I can finally have her... But the point is" he said remaining very calm again he picked up his bottle of Scotch. "I want you guys to comfort her please.. I'd be injected with pain and sorrow if I knew anything bad has happened to her.." He mumbled as he touched his lips and stared at the plaid floor.

He looked up at all of us as he made a face of humbleness "promise me you guys will" none of us spoke. "I-I promise" I blurted out. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy. But fuck it. This guy literally has my life in his hands and he can play catch ball with it anytime I don't obey.

His vile smiled appeared quicker than lightening. But he clenched his teeth at the rest of them. "υποσχέσου μου!" His veins looked as if they were about to burst out of his head. "υπόσχομαι!" We all shouted back. My hands trembled in fear but I refused to show him the dread he has put in me the last couple of days.

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