Chapter Six: Embalmed Part One

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preserve (a corpse) from decay, originally with spices and now usually by arterial injection of a preservative.
"the Egyptian method of embalming"

Chris POV

The dumb bastard thought I didn't know about his little intimate relationship he had with one of my slaves. Jamal really fucked up big time.

First - he complains about how he doesn't have a job and needs money, I give him a job and money and this is how he repays me?!
Second - he signed a contract with me saying he cannot be involved with my slaves enter life, ONLY I can or face the consequences.

He's broken rules.

I can't keep him around any longer, he'll just expect me to weaken if I let him get away with it...
he'll ruin things for me and my guilty pleasures..

I furiously huffed and puffed as I thought about what I would do to that son of a bitch. I rapidly picked up a wooden chair and slammed it on the cold hard plastered walls.

"FUUUCCKKK!" I snarled along with my anger as I repeatedly continued to hit the walls causing loud bangs. I felt my adrenaline getting higher by the second. I breathed heavily as a big grin spread across my face.

I finally let go of the remains of the chair as I heard the sound of the wood hit the ground. I felt that my shirt was torn and it was full of sweat. I felt pumped as I looked around in the room for something else to do.

I heard a light tap at the door

I felt my pupils get large as if I was on drugs, I headed towards the door. As I stood in front of the door I just stared in vile. As I heard the small brush of knuckles coming across the door again I quickly snatched the door open.

Allyn POV

This was nothing compared to my everyday fear I had waking up here every morning now. It was way worse...

I was petrified.

I felt a big chill hit me in my back as I
trembled while staring him in the eye. He looked worse than he ever has before, and I couldn't say a word because I was shook.

*clears throat* You're on time.

*still looking*

Coming in or staying out? *walks away from the door way*

*drifts in cautiously, stares in awe*

As long as you've been here, I've trusted you more than I should've but.. you've never let me down.


I really need your helping hand on this one .. κοριτσάκι *smirks devilishly*

*widens eyes*



Great.. Someone is going to die today, just know that.

Jiyai POV

"The halls are cleared, you should be just fine.." I mumbled as I pulled my head back around the corner and found myself face to face with Shai. "Go on.." "Oh! Right .." She slowly walked around the corner and began to quickly walk to her room.

I stiffly tried to close my door silently. As the door finally made its signature noise telling me it was locked, I felt a firm grip on the back of my neck. Before I could get a peep out of my mouth, I felt my head on the cold metal door, it took me a second to realize the person was bashing my head in. Quickly, my head flung back up and I was eye to eye with


I felt my heart drop to my stomach.. then began pumping blood harder than ever.

"Mhm, you smell swell my lady" he creepily whispered in my ear as I listened to his chuckle. "Is that a new fragrance? I never smelt it on you since this isn't the closet I've ever been"

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!" I shouted in pure anger as I felt warm liquid run down my forehead. I only felt his grip around my neck get tighter. "Calm it. Before I go insane on your ass again. You like the feeling of a throbbing headache as I smash your head into this metal door?"

I kept quiet so I wouldn't get him any angrier. "Thought so. Now, where's Maddison my love?" I felt my stomach hit rock bottom. He slowly played with my short black hair strings as he waited for a reply. "W-who's" "Don't ask me such a question. Are you an idiot?"

I stared at the metal door as I closed my eyes.
Greek Translation:
Baby girl - κοριτσάκι
Authors note:
HI BABES OMGF!! I haven't been on here in a while and I apologize for such manner 😭 but! I'll start updating weekly again! 🆘 yaaaayyyy *cheers* yeah but give me feedback on how I did because I haven't been writing in a minute , did I start if rusty or continued my greatness? - Aliya

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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