Chapter IX

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Tension Rises

It was supposed to be a simple party. No awkward reunions, no bumping into asshole or bitch exes. Just a group of people drinking, talking and laughing.

Natasha was not an introvert, but she would rather be in her room, reading a good thriller/spy book than go into parties where you had to take a shower. Dressing up and making herself look pretty was a routine she practised forcefully during her Red Room training. After she defected, she swore to never use her body for sexual manipulation. But she also, did not want to see Steve.

After her newly discovered physical attraction for him was confirmed, she avoided him any chance she got. She made up excuses not to train him for new fighting tactics, and blackmailed Clint into doing it. But when she saw the RSVP with no tentative or a No option, she had to come.

Straightening her hair and wearing a simple but elegant loose black jumpsuit, paired with long diamond earrings and a hanging bar necklace, she set for an exhausting and tense 2 hours above on the 23rd floor.

She was greeted with a huge room, where Thor, Tony and Clint were drinking, Bruce was in a deep discussion with the newly hired surgeon, Dr. Christine Palmer, a serene woman with   strawberry-blonde hair. Her eyes wandered to the pool table, where Maria and Steve were playing. She saw her balancing her glass with an unsteady grip. Steve followed Natasha's eyes and immediately snatched the glass away, raising it high out of her reach.

'Hey!' she whined, jumping up to grab it. 'Nat!' She turned around, spreading her arms for a hug. Natasha went in. She loved her, like a friend, with whom would once again have a drunken one-night stand. 'Finally. This cranky old man was being all baby-ish and just stole my drink.' She punched his shoulder, which had no effect on him. 'See. Can you believe this guy?'

She didn't want to look, but she turned her head around and saw him.

The bladder heart once again struck at midnight.

She mustered up the courage to say a simple, 'Hey.'

He wasn't even dressed properly (a pair of jeans and a tight blue-green flannel shirt) but, God, did she want to devour him right there. She was into girls too. She focused all her energy into checking out Maria, who was now currently trying to hang off of his arm, like a child not wanting to go to school. She really was a loose cannon when she is wasted.

'A little help?' he asked, trying to pry off Maria's legs off his leg.

'Should I take her to her room?' said a new voice. All three turned around seeing Christine.

'No,' said Natasha quickly. 

She received skeptical looks. She rolled her eyes.

'She still keeps her guard up around strangers whenever she is drunk. Sh wouldn't like to see you in her room.'

'You two are so pretty,' said Maria, releasing Steve and stumbling halfway. Natasha caught her and brought her to sit on a couch. 'Why aren't you two screwing around yet?'

'If you don't mind, Steve,' she said, pointing at the open bar. 'Get a glass of water, probably hot, and a garbage can.'

He looked at her nonplussed, but ran to the open bar. There was a water purifier. He grabbed a cup and made his way.

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