Chapter XI

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Grasping Onto Strings

'A symbol to the nation. A hero to the world. The story of Captain America is one of honor, bravery and sacrifice.'

Steve pulled down his baseball cap further until it was shielding his eyes. A girl doodling something on her notebook peered at him from behind. He looked back. She appeared indifferent.

'I'm supposed to apparently do a project on you,' said the girl. She didn't sound too thrilled. 'I supposed you could spare a few seconds to give me a quote.'

He wasn't in a mood to sign any more body parts, so this was a nice change.

'I suppose. What do you want me to say?'

'How did it feel when you woke up in this world? Don't over think. Go.' She pressed something in her phone.

'Er . . . Weird, I guess. I uh, when I first gained consciousness, I heard the radio playing a game, which I had attended live. From there, I knew something was messed up. But it really only hit me when I saw the Times Square. I have now adapted here, but there's nothing like home.'

She pressed the button again. 'I don't usually say this, but since you bothered to help me, my name's Michelle. Michelle Jones.'

'I don't have to say my name.' He smiled nervously.

She squinted her eyes. 'Obviously. Otherwise, you wouldn't be going all stealth mode.'

He nodded. 'Fair enough.'

He raised his hand to wave farewell. 'I guess I'll see you around.' He hesitated and turned away.

'Well, that was awkward,' said Michelle.

'Welcome to the Smithsonian,' said the woman on the PA. 'Visitor information booths are available on the second level.'

He observed the many American flag banners draped around the museum. And his face on every single one of them. When the news was leaked that Captain America was back from the dead, every and all museums had a weekly exhibition dedicated to him.

'Denied enlistment due to poor health, Steven Rogers was chosen for a program unique in the annals of American warfare,' said another narrator. 'One that would transform him into the world's first super soldier.'

A small boy wearing a blue Captain America shield T-shirt was staring at him in recognition.  Steve smiled at the boy's awe and put his finger against his lips to tell him to keep quiet. The boy nodded, and walked off to his parents. Still lightly smiling, he headed over to the screen where they were showing old footage of him and Bucky.

'In this rare footage, everyone's favorite war hero, Captain America and with his dear friend, James "Bucky" Barnes, may god bless his soul.'

He and Bucky were laughing at a joke, which had involved a bar, a girl and Bucky ending up going to the hospital.

His eyes landed over the display of the Howling Commandos, where the mannequins were wearing their old costumes. His was on the front, with his old shield.

'Battle tested, Captain America and his Howling Commandos quickly earned their stripes. Their mission, taking down HYDRA, the Nazi rogue science division.'

He saw the display of Bucky and read his "obituary". 

A   F A L L E N  C O M R A D E

When Bucky Barnes first met Steve Rogers on the playgrounds of Brooklyn, little did he know that   he was forging a bond that would take him to the battlefields of Europe and beyond.                       

  Born in 1917, Barnes grew up the oldest child of four, Rebecca Charlotte (1919), George Arnold (1920) and John William (1922). An excellent athlete who also excelled in the classroom, Barnes enlisted in the Army shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor. After winter training at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin, Barnes and the rest of the 107th shipped out to the Italian front. Captured by Hydra troops later that fall, Barnes endured long periods of isolation, depravation and torture. But his will was strong. In an ironic twist of fate, his prison camp was liberated by none other than his  childhood friend, Steve Rogers, now Captain America.

  Reunited, Barnes and Rogers led Captain America's newly formed unit, The Howling Commandos. Barnes' marksmanship was invaluable as Rogers and his team destroyed Hydra bases and disrupted Nazi troop movements throughout the European Theater.

Bucky Barnes


' . . . Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steven Rogers were inseparable on both schoolyard and battlefield. Barnes is the only Howling Commando to give his life in service of his country . . . '

Steve went to the exhibition dedicated to Peggy Carter, first and only female director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

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'That was a difficult winter,' said an older Peggy. 'A blizzard had trapped half our battalion behind the German line. Steve . . . ' she hesitated. 'Captain Rogers, he fought his way through a HYDRA blockade that had pinned our allies down for months. He saved over a thousand men, including the man who would . . . who would become my husband, as it turned out.' Steve pulled out his compass, showing Peggy's picture. 'Even after he died, Steve was still changing my life.'

'You should be proud of yourself, Peggy.'

Steve looked over at Peggy's family photos by her bedside table showing her with her husband and children.

Peggy followed his gaze. 'Mm. I have lived a life. My only regret is that you didn't get to live yours.'

His gaze lowered.

'What is it?'

'For as long as I can remember I just wanted to do what was right. I guess I'm not quite sure what that is anymore. And I thought I could throw myself back in and follow orders, serve. It's just not the same.'

She chuckled.

'You're always so dramatic.'

Steve smiled shortly.

'Look, you saved the world. We rather . . . mucked it up.'

'You didn't. Knowing that you helped found S.H.I.E.L.D. is half the reason I stay.'

She took his hand in hers and held onto it.

'Hey. The world has changed and none of us can go back. All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best that we can do is to start over.'

Peggy started to cough. Steve instinctively turned to grab a glass.

'Peggy.' He held the glass in front of her.

Peggy stopped coughing. Her eyes widened in recognition.

'Steve?' His heart sank.


'You're alive! You . . . you came, you came back.'

'Yeah, Peggy,' he said, pretending to forget their conversation. 

'It's been so long. So long.' She was painfully sobbing. He felt doing the same.

'Well, I couldn't leave my best girl. Not when she owes me a dance.'

'Oh please, my legs are less useful than the damn AC. Its boiling out here.'

'I'll make sure to drop that at the reception.'

'You better, boy,' she said in a false warning tone, 'or I'll have to whip out the big guns myself.'

He chuckled. 'I know you would. I also know you prefer the latter.'

She shrugged. 'Maybe.'

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