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When Grian woke up, the sun was shining brightly on his face and the mobs beneath him were burning.

Predictably, he'd had a nightmare the night before. The bunny had been Sam in disguise. Looking back, it had been unrealistic considering size and the laws of physics, but in the dream it had seemed so real. It had followed him, and taken him away. The rest... he didn't want to think about it.

He climbed down from the tree once he was confident it was safe from creepers (he didn't want to die and end up thousands of blocks away from his armour and back at home after all). Then a horrible feeling struck him.

He was being watched.

He didn't know why or how or by who or where the person was, but his gut instinct told him that he was being watched. He looked around. The forest was too silent. Too peaceful. Too false. Like someone was doing there best to stay silent.

Suddenly, he felt very, very scared. More scared than he'd ever been when on the server. His instinct could always be wrong, but something deep down told him it wasn't.

The air was too still. It was too silent. Grian was going into fight or flight mode, and he'd chosen flight. His heart was pumping and he was ready to run faster than ever before.

What he wasn't ready for was for a hand to grab him and cover his mouth, and for a sharp needle to slide into his neck.

"Hello Gree-on." A voice murmured into his ear. Grian knew the voice before it spoke, he'd recognised Sam's hands and the way they grabbed him already. His body numbed and he fell back onto the other person. His eyes closed and he fell unconscious.

He's going to kill me, was his last thought before he fell into a dreamless sleep. Whatever he'd been injected with took very little time to take effect.


Grian woke up in a bed in a relatively nice bedroom. There was one window, and he went over to it. Looking past the golden curtains, the first thing he noticed was that they were very high up, in a mountains biome, overlooking the sea. He glanced back at the red bed, realising it meant his spawn was set. He couldn't get away even if he died.

His first thought was to break it, until he realised his arms had the relatively familiar tired feeling of mining fatigue. Anyone else might ask about how Sam had managed to give that effect, but he knew it wasn't a question worth his time to answer. It was probably part of the injection.

He looked around, his eyes fixing on the door. It was a normal spruce one. He went over to it and tried to pull it open. It was locked. He tried again, more violently this time.

He stopped, freezing in place as he heard footsteps approach the door. The person on the other side knocked politely as though he hadn't just been trying to kick the door down.

"Hi Gree-on, are you awake in there?" Sam's voice asked, masked with kindness.

"Yeah." Grian replied, not sure what else to say. The best thing to do with Sam was to act like nothing was wrong, that was what he'd learned over the years. Or at least, it was the best thing until a better option presented itself.

There was a clicking sound as the door unlocked, and it opened to reveal Sam, in his usual bunny hat. Grian stood still. He could bolt, but what use would that bring? Sam had taken all his things, he couldn't fly, and even if he travelled by foot Sam would just catch up to him.

"Gree-on!" Sam said happily. "My best friend!" Every fibre in his being was terrified.

"How did you-" his voice broke a bit, "How did you get here?"

Sam's Back || Book 1 of 2 in the Sam's Back seriesWhere stories live. Discover now