CHAPTER 8 - In Which He Learns To Show No Mercy

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How much of something could you take before you got tired of it or before you broke? Does it depend or maybe it doesn't matter?

Could you go against your nature, or rather conform to what others said was your nature?

Beluar Aehana of Gilig was a northern elf, commonly known as the ice elves. The race was known throughout the sacred realm for their hypnotic beauty that was only bested by their battle prowess. Ice elves resided in the blizzard-filled highlands of Gilig, their blue bodies were well adapted to the harsh environment which made them exceptional hunters.

Their nature made them calculating and cold, a ferocious bunch who knew nothing of mercy, not even showing it to their own. Beluar was the anomaly among his people. Rather than the ice that was said to run through the veins on northern elves, fire seemed to settle in his heart. His gentleness was unheard-of for his race and it was unnerving for his brethren.

His gentleness made Beluar a target of many experiments for his people.

The elves would refer to the many tasks they put the single elf through as "trials". From being isolated in a cave and forced to live through his greatest fears, to being strapped to a stone table and cut into so his brethren can find and take out what was wrong with him. 

The list of things Beluar went through was endless. However, to the displeasure of the ice elves, Beluar remained the same even though he was covered in scars. Action, behaviours and circumstances shaped people into who they are, and the ice elves had the wrong train of thought for their search to "better" Beluar. 

Each "trial" showed Beluar how much he differed from his people, and though he wondered why, he believed there had to be a reason he was different. The answer came the day he was given his final trial. 

Beluar was to eliminate the opponents in a marriage battle to win the affection of the most treasured female elf, from the clan. Given his age, Beluar was considered eligible for a union so he agreed, he thought things were finally looking good for him but upon walking into the arena Beluar immediately knew it was a trap.

Javelins with ropes attached to their ends flew from every direction at a frightening speed. Most pierced Beluar's body finding vital spots, others just tore the flesh shallowly from parts of him. So as Beluar stood impaled and bleeding, his eyes found the treasured female of the rival clan with an expression of sorrow.

She sauntered toward him, each step she took hardly making a sound. When she reached him she reached out and stroked Beluar's cheek, whispering for only him to hear "I know you won't understand but I want to express my gratitude. You've been the best toy I've had in my two hundred winters."

The female's frown turned into a gut-twisting grin, her cheeks flushed a deep blue as her eyes ignited with excitement "watching as you struggled through the trials I made really aroused me. There's no chance in any lifetime that I, the most treasured of my clan would tie a union with a defective elf. But I'll let you in on a little secret, in return for a merge between the chieftain's son and I, the clan has voted you out." with that said she pushed her finger into the center of his forehead and shattered the soul gem that resided just behind his skull.

Beluar realized at that moment, his clan had never expected the trials to succeed, they had planned to get rid of him all along.

A burst of energy exploded with Beluar's scream, blue flames manifested from the energy of his shattered soul gem, engulfing the room and all who were in it. Beluar's gentle flame in his heart turned cold. Both clans who watched from a distance were speechless, images of runes from their altars surfaced in their minds. Each elf that watched knew now what Beluar was and they knew of the fatal mistake they'd all made.

Once every couple of centuries ice elves gave birth to a healer for the coming disaster. A healer who did not share their nature and that healer was now dead. 

As I tried to call forth the souls of the damned, blue flames attacked me. Using my scythe I blocked the flames before turning my eyes to the spot where Beluar's body should be. There was nothing. Not even ash. Frowning I turned to the souls I was meant to collect, with blue flames still engulfing them.

"They're mine."

"Yet they are not," I told Beluar as he emerged from his blue flames.

"I will not allow you to take them" He stated grimly.

Glancing at the burning bodies that held my trapped souls I smirked "so it would seem. Those souls do not belong here anymore. They are to be judged."

"And they will be. By me."

"And what makes you think you're in a position to bargain Beluar Aehana?"

"The fact that you haven't tried to cut me down yet is one fact." He replied smartly

"Careful elf. There's still the possibility that I will."

"I mean no disrespect guardian, but I ask that you grant me this wish" Beluar kneeled before me with his hand over his heart.

"Will you not forgive them?" I questioned as I stared at the now seemingly too calm elf.

"I already have. They cannot help their nature, and I cannot help mine, however, their crimes must be overseen by myself" I could see it now as he knelt, the calm anger that came from his cold flames.

This elf had reached his breaking point, his kindness would now only go to those who deserved it, and that was neither his clan nor their rivals.

Healers were immortal, until the disaster they are meant to save their people from passes. Beluar trapped the souls of those who wronged him in their bodies, they will continue burning, until he decides otherwise.

I felt a sense of satisfaction from Beluar's development. For those who've shown him no loyalty, he will show no mercy.

"I require something in return for my lost souls," I told him.

Rising to his full height, Beluar walked up to me and held out his hand full of blue flame. "I can offer the power of the healing flame."

He knew his worth, and he wouldn't ever forget it, his flame can heal just about everything. Summoning a jar, I trapped the flame inside and stored it in my cloak.

Giving a smile, I patted Beluar's shoulder "Well then Beluar Aehana, until we meet again."

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