Author's Note

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Greetings my loves! I hope that you and your families are well in the current conditions plaguing the world. I pray that you all stay safe and to anyone who has lost loved ones, I extend my condolences to you and your families. May you find peace within the memories you hold.

I know I've been M.I.A for quite some time but I've received and read each one of your comments on my books and they've always put a smile on my face. So first let me say thank you all so much for reading and loving my creations! Secondly, Welcome to all my new followers, and thanks to those who've stuck with me since day one, I appreciate you.

For years, I've only had 4 books published on Wattpad. After I had uploaded the last one I wanted to take a short intermission to let those 4 creations get recognition before publishing other books I had. However, the worst possible thing happened back then. My computer's hard drive committed suicide. I had saved my works on a flash drive but as luck would have it, that went missing as well. So the 10 books that I wanted to publish were lost forever.

Back then I was in my teens and inspiration was as constant as the air I breathed so I was continuously writing, and when everything I had written disappeared I was shocked as hell. I cried for weeks and tried to recreate the stories I had but they didn't sound the same which only frustrated and saddened me more. I felt like I was pushed into this dark pit that only hurt when I tried to claw my way out of it, so I stopped writing completely. Whenever I had an idea I wrote it down but that's all it ever amounted to. Then life happened and I was no longer a teenager with immeasurable free time, I barely had time to form an idea about books because of the amount of school work I deal with for university. And if it wasn't uni, it was something else that kept getting in the way. Everything happens for a reason, so I decided to go with the flow and be a reader like I originally was before I started writing.

Now here I am finally ready to put one of my creations on the screen again. I grateful to you all for your patience and I hope you enjoy this book as much as you've enjoyed the others.


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