CHAPTER 14 - Sunnyside Darkness

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"Lilian Chase?"

A man in uniform made his way toward Lilian who was sitting at her desk.

"Yes?" Lilian answered while turning toward the officer.

"You have been notified thrice to remove your vehicle from the handicap space and thrice you have refused. For your unjust conduct, you are sentenced to capital punishment." A second later, the officer upholstered her weapon and shot Lilian Chase point-blank.

Silence stretched across the office and Lilian's colleagues looked from her dead body to the officer.

"But she didn't own a car. She didn't even have a license!" One of the employees protested.

The officer's eyes traveled to Lilian's body, bringing a hand to her lips as if distraught about the mistake she'd just made. "Oops" she exhaled, her body trembled as she tried yet failed to hold in her giggles. Her eyes turned upward toward the rest of the office who clearly regarded her with repulsion.

"This is no laughing matter! I'm calling the police!" The manager exclaimed.

The officer laughed loudly before gesturing up and down at her uniform "hello? At your service sir!"

"The real police!" The man screeched as he picked up the phone and dialed for help. The female officer shook her head as she strolled forward. "Fuck, what gave me away?" She sighed then shrugged "doesn't matter, you're all dead anyway" the officer started firing away at everyone in the office. The manager took a bullet to the temple, the others who scattered took some metal to the back and the few who laid low screamed their heads off until they couldn't while one or two hid.

The officer stepped through the blood that spread across the floor and made her way over to the wall to floor windows. An explosion in the street brought a grin to her face, a fighter had taken the head of a man with his ax, and a paramedic pushed another in front of a car.

"Spectacular" she whispered.

In a way chaos truly was spectacular. The streets were abashed with flames while the terror of people permeated through the air. In a reality where beings were made up of 28% of technology, perfection was what they strived for. A tiny mistake was a capital offense therefore, chaos was the absolute taboo. People who swore had their tongues cut out and scolded, persons who drank and drove were shot, using your phone at the gas station meant you lost those very hands.

Being too good was a taboo in itself.

Ms. Officer, or rather, Ilona Deux saw that "why shoot people for breaking the rules when I can just shoot them just because?" Was her mantra. She was the drop of darkness in the everlasting Sunnyside of this warped reality. Due to a technical error in her nanotech system, she questioned her society in ways she knew were taboo, most were questions that officials avoided with their authoritarianism. Ilona was extremely persuasive and when she found like-minded people that shared her ideologies, a small group of people turned into an organization that planned to correct the ways of her world. Thanks to them the scale of good and evil tipped rapidly toward a perfect balance. Ilona and her organization were the necessary evil this reality needed.

The bump of one of the desks reminded Ilona of the employees that hid during the shooting. Smirking she turned from the window and sauntered through a column of the office. "Hiding is futile my dears. Bullets can penetrate metal you know" she informed sweetly. Of course Ilona didn't know the exact location of the people hiding nor did she care. When the employees made no move to show themselves Ilona chuckled. "Let's play a game, shall we? How about, eenie meenie, minie moe. That way everyone has a fair chance."

And so she aimed to the third desk on the left "eenie" she fired.

The fifth desk on the right "minie" she fired again.

"Moe!" Ilona barely caught the sight of the employee behind her, the man jabbed the stun gun he was holding onto the base of Ilona's neck shocking her until she collapsed. Due to the adrenaline rushing through him, in his panic, the man was unaware that the prolonged duration in which he shocked Ilona caused the technology in her body to fry. Ilona's body was made up of tech that acted as a function for some of her most major organs, with the technology fried she was now dead.


Ilona didn't mind that she was dead, it was what she had hoped for. She wanted those who had never made a mistake to know the feeling of blurring the line between right and wrong. How long can someone claim self-defense when they planned out their "defense" like those who had hid had?

Killing is killing, no matter what legal name people put on it.

"You mind if we stay and watch a while?" Ilona asked as she observed from the streets as we walked through.

"By all means, enjoy to your heart's content" I grinned "we got nothing but time."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2021 ⏰

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