chapter eleven - do not disturb

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my suite was fucking gorgeous. i had a view of the entire strip, and a whole king size bed to myself.

that was when i started missing zach. i regretted pretty much everything i lied about yesterday.

i loved zach - i knew that from even before i met him. i just didn't know why i found it so difficult to tell him, and why i had to lie to my mother about it at first. but god, did it feel good, walking away from her.

i zipped open my duffel back and pulled out the tight, black mini dress i packed - zach's favorite, the one i wore the night of one of his crazy parties. the night he swore to me he'd make me his.

i threw it on the bed and pulled out some heels, and completed the outfit i'd be putting on in just a few minutes to confront zach. my heart was racing, considering the fact that i was about to put it on my sleeve and let my feelings pour out. i couldn't be more sure on how ready i was to tell zach just what i was feeling about him.

it was late, almost midnight. i had to make sure the boys' show was over with before getting ready, so i kept an eye out on twitter. now that the show was over with, i decided to head out and roam the cosmopolitan - hoping to run in to zach. 

i left my hotel room right away and went down to the lobby, where a bunch of fans were gathered. many of the girls eyed me, some of them snickering. i had to admit, i felt a bit nervous, and this wasn't making me feel any better. i looked around before finally spotting someone i knew - the young lady from the concierge. she was out of uniform.

she waved at me and i ran up to her. "holy shit, never seen so many girls here before," she stared at the crowd in awe. i laughed. "yeah, the boys are getting bigger and bigger by the minute." the girl looked up at me. "the boys?" "yeah! the neighbourhood performed here tonight," i nodded.

"no way! i fucking love them... you'd think by working here, you'd be informed," she rolled her eyes, clearly upset  she didn't get to see the band perform. she stuck out her hand. "the name's jennifer, by the way! didn't introduce myself yet. you're nikki, from what i remember?"

i smiled at her and nodded, shaking her hand gently. "still up for clubbing? you seem dressed for it," jennifer winked. "not tonight, sorry! i'm meeting up with someone," i said, my chest feeling tight.

"is it gonna be zach?"

i turned around to see three of the many girls staring at me. "excuse me?" i asked, still trying to process what she said. "zach... are you meeting up with zach?" she repeated. i hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. "that shit made it into the news fast. sorry about it all, didn't think he'd ever do that to you. hope you guys work it out," another girl had said. the last one snickered, and whispered something that sounded rude, before the trio walked away. "i need an explanation, like right now," jennifer looked at me, confused.

"oh my god, it's zach's ex!" came a screech from the crowd.

zach's ex? i'm not his ex, i'm his...

all of a sudden, millions of camera flashes sprouted from the crowd, along with shrieks and gasps. the hotel security immediately jumped in and tried to put the uproar to end. a tall, muscular man grabbed on to my shoulder. "you stay here?" he yelled in my ear. i nodded, as confused as a deer caught in headlights. he began pulling me away, and i made sure to pull jennifer out of the crowd before she was swallowed whole.

i held on to jennifer's skinny arm as we were dragged away by the security. we walked through a set of doors that lead to a restricted, employees-only area before the man finally let me go. i did the same to jennifer, and stopped to catch my breath.

"what the fuck just happened," i whispered to myself, squeezing my eyes shut. "you ladies okay?" the man asked. "thanks, dave, you really saved our asses out there," jennifer laughed. i opened my eyes again, and the two were staring at me. jennifer crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at me. "care to explain?" she said, a smirk on her face.

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