chapter four - a promise

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i rolled over to see sammy on my bed next to me. i turned back to glance at my clock - 11:48 am.

my eyes stung, i had stayed up all night watching over zach. i eyed his peacefully sleeping body, which lay on the floor, over a custom made mattress that included a shit ton of sheets and pillows. the way he held me last night, the feeling of his touch, along with his words - lingered in my mind. i sighed, crawling off my bed, pulling my oversized shirt over my warm skin. "he was just drunk..."

i lifted my hair over my head and pulled it into a loose pony tail, walking over to my bathroom to wash my face. the cool water felt great splashing over my tired eyes. i looked back up into the mirror. "you're so beautiful," zach's words echoed in my ear.

"stop it, nikki," i warned myself.

"what's nikki doing that she needs to stop?" samantha stood in the doorway. "and why the hell is zachary abels sleeping on your bedroom floor?"


sam sat on my bathroom counter as i leaned on the wall, her eyes eagerly staring at mine as she listened to what happened last night.

"wait, wait... what did he do?!" she asked.

"sam i've said it a million times," i laughed, clearly blushing. "once more please," she begged, probably still in shock.

"okay, well... basically, like i said before, he just.. -"

"grabbed her hand," zach interrupted me, showing up in the doorway, intertwining his fingers with mine. "spun her around and pulled her close," he continued, pulling me towards his body. "and planted a soft kiss on her forehead, just like this," he finally finished.

zach's lips met the surface of my skin in a gentle little kiss.

"good morning beautiful," he whispered.

i smiled lightly, and rested my head on his chest. "good morning, zach," i blushed. "i'm here too, you know," sam giggled from the corner of my bathroom. her phone buzzed as she stumbled to grab it. "oh," she glanced at it, "i wont be here for long! my dad's here to pick me up." she plopped herself off the counter and came to give me a quick kiss on the cheek. "love ya sis," sam said, smiling. "see you around, zach..."

“i’ll be on my way too,” zach said, holding my hand and tugging me out of the bathroom, after samantha left. “do you really have to go?” i pleaded. he pulled me until we reached my bed, which i fell over - landing on my back. zach laid himself next to me, resting on his elbow, hovering over me. “unfortunately, yes… i have to get ready for tonight."

he pushed my hair to one side and stared into my eyes. "i'm seeing you tonight, right?" zach asked in a light voice. left breathless, i was unable to speak - so i just nodded. my hand reached up to his face, and i traced my fingers over every inch of his skin and ended up on his soft, small lips.

i felt them move as he whispered, “you’re so perfect to me.”

zach leaned over me and kissed my forehead.

“so damn perfect,” he finished.

my heart was racing, and my breathing became heavier. what just happened…

“i know i was a bit drunk last night,” zach said, sitting up and looking away. “a bit?” i teased, sitting next to him. a look of worry spread across his face. “oh shit, i didn’t do anything stupid did i?” he asked quickly, obviously worried. “oh, no,” i laughed, assuring him. “oh, thank god,” he breathed out, relaxing a bit. he faced away again.

“so um, as i was saying… i know i was a bit - okay, really - drunk last night, i uh..” his mind seemed to be racing. “i meant everything i said,” he whispered. what? “wait, what do you mean?” i asked. his eyes finally met mine.

“i told you i really like you,” zach whispered. 

“i remember telling you how i feel about you, and how i felt from the moment i laid eyes on you. everything else is a blur, but i can still remember that amazing smile on your face after i told you just how much i really like you.”

i breathed out lightly. “do you?” i questioned, instead of keeping my thoughts to myself.

“in all honesty, yes,” he said. "and i also swore that i'd do anything to make you mine."

"oh right, i remember that," i teased him a bit. i wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him a little closer.

"yeah... you're gonna be mine," zach smirked. 

"is that so, abels?" i tugged on the back of his neck.

"yup," he bit his lip. "and that's a promise."

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