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Waking up to the sun bright in my face, I quickly jump out of the bed to get ready for school. Just as I finish brushing my teeth, I get a text from Dylan. 

STB: hurry im outside waiting

me: ok, ok!

I threw on a quick outfit and grabbed my things. Rushing down the stairs, I took an apple and grabbed my house keys. 

" Bye, mom!" I yell as I walk towards the door.

" Bye!" she yelled back. 

I walk outside and see dylan waiting for me by a tree. Walking up towards him, he wraps his arm around my shoulder as we walk to school. 

" Whats up with the jacket, are you trying to be like me?" he asks jokingly.

" No, I just thought it would be nice." I say shrugging.

" Whatever." he says looking away.

" Whatever." I say mockingly.

We laughed and made jokes on our way to school and sadly, we got there rather quickly. Walking down the hall for some moments, we stop at my locker so I can gather my things for all of my classes.

" How come you never go to your locker?" I say grabbing my biology textbook. 

" Because my stuff is in my bag." he says in a 'duh' tone. 

" So, you follow me?" I chuckle.

" Well, I cant let anyone steal my girl." He says kissing my forehead.

My girl. I internally froze at the phrase. I didn't think we were together or if he even liked me. 

" Oh." I say nonchalantly. 

We walk into class sitting in our usual seats before getting settled in French. Seeing the words "Work On Projects" written in red marker, I went up to ask since I didn't know shit. 

" Um, what is the project about?" I ask the teacher.

" You have to write an essay on the french revolution or you can draw a picture and explain it in a short paragraph explanation. " she says not looking up at me.

" She said we can either write an essay on the french revolution, or draw a picture and write an explanation." I say plopping down in my seat.

" Lets do the second option." he says.

" Who's writing?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

" You write, I'll draw." he says getting his pencil and sketch pad.

I look at his sketch pad with all the pretty sketches in them.

"You're an amazing artist." I say smiling a little.

His lips curve into a small smile as his hands get to work. His hands were so detailed. His veins were very prominent, somewhat bulging. We spend the whole class talking and doing work, other wise known as multi-tasking. The bell rings for the next period. We gather our things making our way to class.

" Today, we are doing science experiments. The instructions are on your desk. You have to figure out the rust process of steel. You have vinegar, water and bleach. You guys have the whole class period, i'll be walking around to check on you guys and help. You can begin." He says.

After about thirty minutes of working, the bell rings for lunch. I take my gloves off and wash my hands. Me and Dylan walk out of the classroom and towards the cafeteria. I grab the first tray I see, and find a seat. Taking a bite of my pizza, I look up at Dylan to see him staring at me smiling. 

"What?" I ask giggling and sipping some of my drink to wash it down.

" I think im in love with you." he says staring at me.

Choking on my drink, I stare at him wide eyed. 

" What?" I laugh.

"I said i'm in love with you." he states again.

I spill my drink onto me by accident, standing up quickly.

"Shit." I say to myself.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." he says trying to clean me up. 

"It's fine, I'll just go to the bathroom." I say before walking out of the cafeteria.

Walking into the bathroom, i go to the stall wiping the sticky beverage off of my black jeans. I hear two girls enter the bathroom and quickly close the stall door quietly. 

" So how are you and kian?" one of the random girl asks.

" Good. But im just gonna break up with him. I just needed to make Jayson jealous." the girl says.

" But kian's super hot though." the other girl says. 

" Yeah he's hot, but he's not Jayson hot. Besides, he's annoying as hell." She said before gathering her purse.

They giggle and finish doing whatever they were doing, they walk out of the bathroom and go wherever. I walk out of the stall and rush to the cafeteria to find kian. I see him sitting at the table. 

" Kian, can I talk to you for a second?" I say walking up to his table.

Rolling his eyes, he turns away but I push him back around.

"Please Kian." I say basically pleading at this point.

Getting up from his seat, we walk towards the corner and I basically break everything down to him. I stare him in his eyes, and he doesn't budge. 

"Are you really that jealous to make shit up like that?" he says crossing his arms. 

"What? Kian i'm not lying." I say furrowing my eyebrows.

" I don't believe you. Just leave me the hell alone." He says.

" Kian, i'm just looking out for you." I say turning him by his shoulder. 

"Well, stop it." He says before walking back to his table.

Staring at him wide eyed, I walk back over to my table and don't say a word. 

** Skips to Dismissal**

I get my bag and walk with dylan outside of the school. The walk home was kind of quiet. It just consisted of us talking about homework, our project, and other shit. 

"I'll text you when you get home." he says smiling up at him.

I go to put my key in the door, but he turns me around and kisses me on my lips. I freeze up, not knowing what to do. He pulls away and winks at me before kissing my forehead, and walking away. All I can think to myself at that moment was: what the fuck? 

Torn Between Two Dylan O' Brien// Kian Lawley fanfic (re-editing)Where stories live. Discover now