Day 2

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"He could be of use, not to mention he is only 10. Perhaps he will be easier to manipulate?" Steven noticed lazari running away and didn't even bother to go after her

When the Scientist got his bearings, it was too late

"Im going to KILL THAT CHILD!" the Scientist screamed out

"im done With her!"

"We could get that, Henry, kid. He seems useful. Easily manipulatable, it can control ice which is a cold and unforgiving thing in our world. He grinned. The grand canyon is an excellent example of what ice can do. steven replied

"Don't just stand there! After her!" he yelled at his staff as they ran off in a frantic hurry chasing after lazari Steven, not even paying attention to the words the Scientist was saying.

"Not only that, his father is some genius. Can you only imagine what we could make him do if he knew his son's life was on the line?" Steven chuckled to himself. "We would be unstoppable. Almighty powerful!"

"Do what you please! but if that child escaped, you're going after it!" the Scientist exclaimed.

"Who is going to make me? a silver-backed gorilla, trained to attack people?. You forget about who I am sometimes."

"She can kick your ass; not like you would know you haven't been around here much shes... strong...."

"Besides, I planned for this" Steven reached into his pocket and pulled out a light blue walkie-talkie. The pain was old and chipping. He pushed down the button and spoke sternly into it. "Send out Boris"

Soon there were loud footsteps on the floor as A deformed bulky human approached steven; it walked on its tiny legs and large arms; it looked like it was suffering.

Kara, the blind girl from before, had bumped into stevens leg. Steven looked down at her and tilted his head.

"Hello," Steven said with a smirk across his face.

When Kara realized the coat he was wearing, she muttered "fuck" under her breath and backed up, scuring up to her feet.

"I see you are blind, and thus you have no purpose to me."

Kara ran off as fast as she could without hitting people or walls. When she turned the corner, she gashed her arm on the wall. The panic set in when she felt the warm blood running down her arm. Steven walked over to Kara, just ignoring the tangent the Scientist was going on. He spoke softly.

"It's a shame they are keeping you here. Kind of feel bad, and despite your blindness."

Kara scurries back and lets out a soft un-sure growl. Steven lets out a soft chuckle and slowly approaches once again.

"perk of being me, I seem to intimidate everyone."

he turned to Boris, The large mangled creature he had made. For the first time, she heard it speak in a painful tone of voice.

"Y-yes, Steven Grand," Boris said,' trying to hold back the tears that were trickling down his fucked up face.

Kara got back up to her feet and screamed out. Her mind was racing. She refused to get tested on again and refused to go back to that small containment cell. Her bare feet made soft pitter-patter sounds as they hit the cold cement floor. Steven noticed she was gone, gave a heavy sigh, went up to her, and stopped her, grabbing her by the arm. Kara gave an ear-piercing scream and squirmed. The fear was building up. It was getting quite intense.

"Besides, you aren't completely human. Therefore I would have no use in torturing you, but I can give you one thing. That thing is your vision back?. How does that sound?. I can help you!"

(DISCONTINUED) The Space BetweenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin