Day 26

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Iris snuggled up to abe while Soul whined in her sleep. Abe snuggled with Iris falling asleep. Boris Comforted Soul the best he could. Soul seemed to nuzzle in, enjoying the warmth. Boris let out a smile. Kali walked down the cafe.

"Boris. I need Soul. She's my Subject, and I want to do some tests on her." After Kali had shot herself in the leg, she seemed to become much colder than she used to be. She went to find Soul limping. Boris was rocking Soul. When he stood up, he towered over Kali. Alright. Don't hurt her too much."

"I can't promise that" she walked off with Soul into the bathroom.

Kali woke Soul up, putting her in the electric bath that was scolding hot. After a few hours, she tied Soul up and burnt her. She was taking out—her anger on Soul. Soul let out screams of pain. Tears ran down her face. In the meantime, Lucas sobbed in his cell. He had tried shifting to escape again only to hurt himself more. Iris woke up the following day Puking. She screamed. Looking over at abe in pain. Iris held her stomach. Abe was still sleeping on the floor in the far corner from the room facing away from her. Iris gently shook Abe awake. Usually, she would take this chance to escape, but instead, she didn't. It was unlike her.

Abe looked over, looking freaked out. "S-Sorry."


Abe slowly got up. "Is anything wrong?" Iris vomited

Abe backed up, cleaning it up. "S-Sorry, I'll clean this up" Abe cleaned everything up, bringing Iris a new change of clothes, much more comfortable than the ones she was usually given

"you're being so nice?"

once Kali finished with Soul. She had joseph do surgery without sedative on Soul. She looked up, scared and already in so much pain

"S-Sorry." Soul's appendix was terrible and needed to be removed. After the surgery, Kali took Soul from Joseph and put Soul back in her chamber on the cold ass concrete floor. Returning to her office. Kali ordered men to torture Lucas and Soul more

"why are you being so nice?" Iris said as she got dressed, several scientists did so. However, only one had ever left Lucas' chamber

Abe didn't respond. He just left, not locking the doors, heading back to his office

Iris's eyes had started to go blind again. This time both went blind very quickly. Abe scheduled for joseph to replace her eyes; however, Joseph didn't have what was needed to give her eyesight back yet, So Joseph couldn't do it for several years. Iris tried to play it off as nothing. That is until she ran face-first into Joseph, trying to find the bathroom

"Are you ok?"

"Y-yup!" Iris said, staring at the wall

"... you've gone blind again, have you not?"

"......n-no," her voice trembled with fear.

"Relax, I can fix it for you in due time. Keep the name Yato Industries in mind for the future"

"i- I don't want the needle t-though" she seemed terrified

"You won't get the needle... relax. My business is growing, and soon I will leave this place, come to my office next month for a little something" Iris nodded

Soul screamed and cried out, squirming in the bath

Joseph whispered, "It will free the three of you as well as allow you all to take refuge in my lab until you're able to find a suitable home."

"my stomach hurts" Iris went down to the ground.

Joseph took her in, taking an ultrasound, knowing what abe did. Iris was one 1-month pregnant, still a ways to go. "Pregnant.." Joseph moved Iris into the ward for employees, keeping her under his watch. For now, Iris was peacefully sleeping.

(DISCONTINUED) The Space Betweenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن