day 10

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Steven and Xavier went back into the apartment building after a long drive. They walked into Stevens's room with a heavy sigh. Not sure what they would tell Kota when she woke up and realized that they could not get Elizabeth back.

"We're back," Steven said from the back room. It caused Kota to jolt up in her room. She could smell his scent from the other room, and her hair was messy and gave a tangled feeling. In the living room, Henry N was holding Aaron, and he was still grieving over the loss of Blu. He got up, holding Aaron close to his chest. Before he walked to the backroom, his boots made thuds as they hit the smooth wooden floor. There wasn't much carpet in the apartment, and it was a fairly old building.

"Thank god you two are safe."

"papa," Kota said as she ran out from her room, going and hugging him. Steven had looked to the ground while giving a soft smile across his face, kneeling and clasped Kota.

"Yes, I'm back, sweetie. Papa is making up a plan to get mommy back."

"And that is?"

"It is too dangerous to go to where they are, so right now. We wait."

"Wait? You're saying we let them do whatever to Elizabeth and wait?. You can't be serious?" Henry had a shocked look across his face, and his jaw was dropped open as he searched for words.

"Right now, that is the best option."

"DL is most likely there. We all know what he is capable of." Xavier said, looking over and still having a dull headache in the back of his head.

"He's got the point...Steven," Henry replied as he prepared some formula for Aaron. He had held her in one arm as he used his free hand. Eventually, it didn't work. He had to sit her down, but as the rules go, you don't move a baby if comfy. He had managed to make a bottle. Scoping the formula into the bottle, he did about 8oz. While he was doing that, Kota was playing around in her room. Sitting on the floor and just playing around with things. She didn't have much, but that was fine with her. Meanwhile, at the Lab, DL was forcing Elizabeth to run faster and faster. Seeing how far he could push her limits. She was just about done with everything. Her body was thin. She smelt horrid. Her fur had become rough to the touch, matted with blood and dirt. The pads on her paws stained the treadmill a deep crimson red. She huffed. Falling and letting herself be dragged for a bit. She couldn't seem to find the strength to get back up to her feet. Elizabeth struggled for a couple of moments, getting burnt on the forearms of her legs and the sides of her body where some of her furs had been missing. Eventually, she got back up though now stinking, even more, her blood gave the black treadmill a crimson red metallic color. There really was no black left on either her fur or the treadmill. It was covered and was slowly running off the back. Had she not gotten back up, she might as well of being choked. They didn't care whether the collar was too tight or not. All they cared about was the mission they had so been planning on. Soon it would come into action. While DL looked at her, he started to heal her just a bit. Which stopped some of the bleedings but causing something inside her to shift. Her mind was different Elizabeth was determined to survive. Liam looked over and gave a scoff before yelling at DL.

"Don't heal her! Damnit!"

"She was bleeding. and I didn't heal her that much anyway."

"A little blood won't hurt her. Don't. DO. IT. AGAIN!". Liam yelled as he went off to plan how he was going to get back into the apartment. Indeed they were expecting them to come back. After all, Marcus wanted Kota. He wasn't going to go down without a fight for sure. While this was happening, Elizabeth took the chance to take a break and catch her breath. It was short-lived, of course. Not only was Liam pissed off, but Lillian was as well. It was her sister, and she always got treated better than her when they both were younger. She for sure held a grudge. Lillian unclipped the chains from the treadmill and grabbed Elizabeth by her Scruff, stabbing a 4inch needle into her skin. She quickly injected the chemicals that were inside. She Was determined to get her plan in action, and for that to happen, she would need Elizabeth to be in this form without having the option to shift. If the scientists want to find out what and how this works. They are going to need to try a little more complicated. All they know is that 'D45' Is a chemical in the gene that helps tell the body to prepare to shift into a wolf. It's a painful process and takes time, but they do shift. Lillian had dragged Elizabeth back to the chamber with the help of a couple of men. Though this time, Elizabeth didn't put up much of a fight. She was far too tired and wounded to do anything. Her vision was fuzzy, and she was letting of soft whimpers with each step she took. She laid down in the very back of the chamber. Where it was darkest. Steven was pacing around the apartment while trying to keep Kota calm and reassure her that everything would be ok.

(DISCONTINUED) The Space BetweenWhere stories live. Discover now