Day 17

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Steven picked up Kota In his arm, smiling. "It's ok sweetie, papa is just going out for a bit; we will be back soon." he kissed Kota on her forehead. "Bye" Before he laid her back down in her bed and walked out. Elizabeth Kissed her as well after turning on the TV that would hopefully keep her busy enough. Once everything was settled, Elizabeth went out to the car. Steven walks to the vehicle, Following Elizabeth.



Steven got in the passenger seat and put the key into the ignition, and he turned it gently, and the car sputtered to life. He drove to the party, Following Xavier, who was in a different vehicle. They arrived at the party 30 minutes later, and Xavier was already waiting there, ready.

"Hello," he was wearing a suit,

"pfft, you're going to stand out so much. "

"So...." DL said

Elizabeth got out of the car and greeted everyone. She instantly went to have a drink. And this time of straight Vodka. Which after her shot, she smacked the table, yelling. The hairs on her arm stood up as she smiled. She made her way back to steven. While Back at the apartment, Kota Was watching TV playing with toys in her room.

"I've never taken care of Children before...."

Meanwhile, Elizabeth already seemed tipsy Steven Gave a concerned look at Elizabeth, "no offense but... weak."

"I don't drink much, unlike you." She playfully punched his chest

Steven, I don't drink much either My kidneys are just really powerful. Watch this" he grabbed an entire bottle of Vodka he chugs the whole bottle in a couple of seconds. Watching this, Elizabeth, she chuckled as the hours passed; she was smashed Steven having drunk now three bottles and have possibly gotten the attention to everyone, probably because he has kidneys of steel. Elizabeth, Drunk and now very open and confident, grabs his arm and drags him to a spare room. She nuzzled him under his chin.

"Elizabeth, you're drunk. Can we wait until you're sober?. Yes, I know, I love you too, but you're drunk. Elizabeth, come on, you're drunk. It would be the same as taking advantage of you, and I'm not one to do that" Steven hugged Elizabeth, laughing a bit. You're so drunk. Elizabeth smiled, kissing his neck and cheek flicking her tail.

"uh, you kids like card games?" DL was panicking, trying to find things to keep everyone entertained. While Looking after three kiddos. Lucas, Kara, and Kota. Lucas responded with

"Not really," while the other two didn't answer. Kara let out a couple of yawns.

Steven smiled "good thing they have Vodka here. If they had whiskey, I would not be able to have much."

Xavier was at the party, just standing with a cup of Vodka. "I've never been to a party before, hell, I've never even drunk alcohol... I wonder how it tastes "he took a drink after sniffing it. While in the spare room, Elizabeth chuckled and staggered off. They had had quite a 'Spicy' time. Steven followed Elizabeth Xavier; he finished his drink. This stuff is strong. hoo-boy

Elizabeth she fell into Xavier. Xavier stumbled a bit. Woah, easy there. just shifting to help her emberesment

"This vodka stuff is pretty strong. ooh god", Xavier ran to the bathroom to puke

Xavier looked around. The room was spinning. Is that normal?"

Elizabeth she shifted back, puking she was that drunk


Steven helped them both to the car. Since Xavier couldn't drive, he took both of them home. He made sure to buckle them in. Elizabeth was coughing and, of course, Shit face. She rarely drank, so of course, she was a lightweight. Then again, she didn't weigh much but 115 Ibs. About 30 more minutes, they arrived back at the apartment, and steven helped them get into the apartment. Both Elizabeth and Xavier passed out on the couch; Steven turned to Kayleigh, talking about how Hybrids had been killed and experimented with the laws. For Only the curiosity of the humans and the new generation.

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