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He doesn't know why it happens, what is the trigger that puts everything in perspective. It's not like everyone never tell them, or never joke about it - whether they are present or not. It's not like they never inched at it, even if it was a meaningless thing - or so he always thought.

There is something, Mitch realizes. Nothing too flashy, or too forward. Nothing that screams at him, that punches him in the guts, makes him open his eyes and say 'there it is!'.

But there is something.

It's in the way they always lean into each other, no matter how many people are around them. The way they always look like they are taking a picture by themselves ans the rest of the people are just props. The way Scott's arm is always placed around Mitch's shoulders, naturally, and his shorter body perfectly encircles the blonde's one, gluing himself to him. It's in the way they seem attracted like magnets to one another, how they search the other's company with their gaze when they're forced to be separated, even if it's only for a couple of inches and a couple of minutes.

It's in the way they can't stay away from the other, the way they miss each other even if they were together not long time ago. The way their first thought it's always the other person. The way Mitch can't help but know that when he's talking, Scott can’t look away from his face - and his lips. The way Mitch can't help but smile when Scott smiles. The way Scott would tickle him just to hear him laugh - and to laugh along with him, their bodies shaken by the sound of their laughs.

It's in the way everything feels awkward and not quite right when they're not side by side, joking in their own little world. The way they sneak glances towards each other even during livestreams or interviews, making everyone mad. The way they have to rearrange position every time they're doing a Spreecast - just so they can be seated next to each other - and how silently awkward they were that one time they were forced to be apart, always turning to look at the other, feeling like something was missing.

It's in the way they tweet, always keeping one another in mind even if they're in the same room, talking. It's in the way they act for fans, but not completely. It's in the way they have fun no matter what they're doing, as soon as they're together. 

It's in the way they follow each other almost without noticing, like it never occurs to them to do differently - which it's probably true - and how they laugh when someone points that out, because it's ridiculous to be so dependent to another person, and yet they can't help but do exactly that.

It's in the way they look at each other, differently and at the same time completely the same. It's in the soft edge of Scott's eyes, in the little smile that tug at his lips every time Mitch is saying something - it doesn't matter what. The way he's completely captured when Mitch sings, whether it's some sweet tune or some sort of rapping. The way Scott had to focus every time he was performing Nature Boy, so lost in Mitch's voice that he risked to miss his cue - or so he confessed once.

It's in the way Mitch cannot stop cheering about Scott's voice, praising him almost as much as the blonde does with him. The way he's so ready to crack a joke or simply be there for him whenever Scott is feeling down - and the way Scott does exactly the same every time Mitch needs it.

It's in the way they can hug each other - Mitch's petite body engulfed in Scott's bigger one, his head in the side of his neck, breathing in his familiar cologne, Scott's head delicately settled on top of his, nuzzling in his soft hair. The way they can lie on the couch, completely comfortable with the presence of the other, their breathing and the beating of their hearts the only sounds filling the room.

It's in these little things and in many mores, tangled in their relationship to a point that leaves Mitch breathless as soon as he realized it. And when he does there is only one thought swirling in his mind, pulling at his entire being - not just his chest, or his brain, or his heart, but at all of him, because as soon as the realization hit him there's not a single part of him that it's not aware of it.

There is a force between them, some kind of connection that none of their friends can quite understand, and most of the times neither can they. It's there, and it always has been, almost taken for granted, because that's what you do when you have known a person for so long that it seems like they are a part of you. So they neglected it, not fully understanding the extend of their bond. But it's there, and it's strong, and as soon as Mitch becomes aware of it, everything changes.

He stays still, dumbfounded, wondering for the first time in his life why he's not running to Scott, claiming what has always been his, the right place in his friend's arms.  


A/N: This is blah. I had these words swirling in my mind, and I decided to share them with you. It's shortish, and pointless, and they don't really make any sense, but here they are, unedited and unbeta-ed. 

Next update for Seeing Through will be up tomorrow - this is what happens when your beta lives in a different timezone than you. 

Bye loves! 

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