F*ck, Marry, Kill

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Tours are exciting. There is something about discovering new places and cultures, and I always feel very lucky in being able to do that with the people that I consider my family. We went through so much together that I can't imagine doing something new without them.

God, I'm so fuçking cheesy.

Sometimes, though, tour life can be boring. It doesn't happen very often, but when it does,  it usually means that we're being travelling on the tour bus for too long. Those are the times when we try to come up with every kind of things to entertain ourselves. Usually, it means we play silly games, and they would be funnier if we had any alcohol. But that has been one of our first rules since we started travelling for shows: no alcohol on the tour bus.

Trust me, being on the road it's not funny when you have to puke. Or you're hungover. That means no drinking games, and this is why we save the real fun for when we reach our hotels, where we can get decent sleep and we can gather in someone's room and have some fun, unless we go out to explore.

Playing is exactly what we are doing tonight, since we are too tired to do anything else. Most of us are here on Mitch and I's room, sprawled on the floor, junk food and liquor in huge amounts. For a while we just enjoy each other's company, laughing and talking. It doesn’t take long for the alcohol to kick in and soon we are all giggling. I look at Mitch,  who currently has tears streaming on his cheeks from laughing too much, and I can't help but smile wider at the sight.

It's Kirstie that tries to get things back on truck. "Guys, guys, shuuush!!" She has to raise her voice more than once - and throw some pillows - before we all turn our attention to her.

"Let's play a game!" She says,  clapping her hands in excitement.

"Like what?" Avi ask her, propped on the floor with one elbow, stroking his beard mindlessly with his free hand.

"Uuuhm" she wonders for a while, eyeing all of us, before smirking in my direction, which confuses me, "let's play Fuçk, Marry, Kill!"

"That's booooring." Mitch chimes in, leaning back with his back on the bed, just like me. He put his head on my shoulder, like it's perfectly normal. Not that I mind, since it's normal for us to be overly touchy around each other.

"Let's make it interesting then," Esther says, standing up from his spot on the floor and reaching the minibar, taking a bunch of glasses and an empty bottle of water, before going back to her previous position,  "we all take a turn in spinning the bottle, asking the question to whoever is the chosen one. Three names, three possibilities. One must be married, one must be fuçked, one must be killed. If you can't decide, you drink. If you choose to skip, you take a drink."

Kevin sighes, "this looks more like a drinking version of spin the bottle, honestly."

"Come on Curvy, don't be a fun killer!" I scold him jokingly, knowing that I have to push a little bit on his pride to be sure he will participate. As predicted, he huffs lightly, but stays in his spot, and with that I know he will play. Ha. Mitch looks at me with an amused smile, shaking his head a little bit at my childish behaviour, but I don't care. I won.

Since it was Esther to propose the game, she's the one spinning the bottle for the first time, and as it lands on Megan, the game begins. Everyone is tipsy and having lots of fun, so it doesn't take long before the game slowly becomes more messy and definitely inappropriate. Avi is the first one taking a drink for skipping his turn: having only 3 males to decide from was a bit hard for him. We all laugh at that, and we move on to another round.

It takes more or less 6 or 7 spins before the bottle lands on me. Darien looks concentrated, thinking hard about the right choices.

"Okay Scotty, I'll go easy on you. Beyoncé, Miley and Mitch."

Scraps (Scomiche)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora