Craving (part 1)

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Scott is worried.

He doesn't like when Mitch is out by himself,  especially if it gets late and he's driving. That's the reason why he usually goes with him anywhere. That and not being able to refrain from being jealous everytime he doesn't know where the brunette is.

He take his phone, checking the time for the 10th time in the last hour. 1.37am. He debates to himself if he should send him a text, to know when he's coming home. If  he's coming home. The thought makes his stomach clench with a sudden wave of nausea. Cursing at himself, he doesn't stop the fingers tapping quickly on the phone screen.

Hey, wanted to check on you. Are you coming home soon?

Before he can chicken out, the text is out there. He stares at the screen until the light fades away and he's left with only the street lights to brighten his room, which is not much. The room is still pretty dark, but somehow the little bit of light makes him feel better. Not so lonely.

He tries to tell himself that he's not eagerly waiting for a reply, but he knows he is. He knows he won't be able to sleep until he will know that Mitch is home, safe and sound. Even if the only thing he'll get is just a goodnight, well, that's okay. He knows that he only has to wait.

The vibration of the phone resounds in the silence, and Scott can feel his heart beating faster while he waits for the text to open. He doesn't know if he has to smile or be scared. He does know what those words mean.

There in 10 min. Coming to you x

He goes to the bathroom, just to have something to do in the meantime. He just jumped in bed when he hear the apartment door opening and then closing quietly. He hear the sound of Mitch's shoes hitting the floor, of clothes being taken away.

When his door cracks open, he sucks in a breath. He looks up at Mitch, the fade light reflecting on his naked body, making his skin shine. He feels his heart skip a bit just looking at the beauty that is now slowly walking towards the bed.

Sheets are taken away from him, replaced by a warm body laying on top of him, and he feels himself shiver, maybe for the sudden rush of cold air, mostly because the feeling of his naked skin against Mitch's can make him tingle.

"Hi." Mitch's voice is like music against his ear, and he feels drawn to it, like every time. He can't escape the sigh that leaves his mouth as soon as a warm, gentle hand traces feather trails along his thigh. He is now very aware of Mitch's hips pressing against his, and he doesn't know if he has to be glad that he wriggled out of his boxers before going back to bed.

"Hello." He breathes out before soft lips are placed against his, and he can't stop himself from cupping his left cheek with one hand, while the other tangles itself in thin hair, needing some kind of anchor to hold on to.

Kissing Mitch always feels like flying and then suddenly falling. It leaves him breathless, like there is no energy left to him. It's addicting. Touching him is even better,  or worse. Once his hands get on a journey on that graceful body, it's like a magnet is attracting them. He has no control. He gladly lets himself being lost in that sensation.

He doesn't know how long it will last.

It doesn’t take long before gentle kisses become hungry and their hands start exploring a little more. Scott leaves one hand in Mitch's hair and moves the other one to grip his ass, feeling him pressed against himself, craving more contact, more of that beautiful boy that is driving him crazy, leaving love marks on his neck.

Scott knows the script. He is aware that Mitch is starting to nibble on his skin a little too roughly, is grinding his hips a little too eagerly. It's only a matter of minutes, maybe seconds. It only takes moving one hand down to grip him firmly for the brunette to moan his name on his skin and start losing control.

He knows what he wants. He always knows it. Pleasure is the thing Mitch wanted tonight, and Scott is going to give it to him, in a minute. He wants for Mitch to wait a little bit. To beg for him to please him, to give up once again and slowly drift in the moment when the only thing that means something is how perfectly their bodies fit together.

"Please, I want you. Please."

On cue, the plea escape from that sinful mouth. And Scott is ready to satisfy, to lose himself once again for that moment of happiness. He would do anything to make it last longer.

Later in the night, when the afterglow already faded away, Scott finds himself tracing circles on Mitch's side, trying to focus on his steady breath and the beating of his heart, the heart that holds him down with so much power. He nuzzles his nose in his dark hair, breathing in his unique scent, wishing he could save it away for when he won't be able to smell it anymore.

His arms surround the smaller body nestled to him, and he can feel Mitch's breath on his chest. He would smile if he didn't feel so empty. It's like making love to the man drained everything from him. He shakes his head at that thought. He refuses to be sad, not now.

There will be times for sadness, when Mitch will wake up and everything will go back to normal. When Scott will be again his bestfriend, his comfort. Another boy will come knock at the door of Mitch's heart and he will flung it open, not knowing that Scott's heart will be caught in the middle. It's inevitable - Scott gave it to Mitch a long time ago, without none of them even noticing.

For now, though, he has these nights, when he can pretend to be wanted for what his whole being can give, not only his body. Maybe one day Mitch will crawl into his bed and will crave Scott like he does. And he won't leave.

Scott drifts to sleep with that thought. A man can dream.


I don't even know. Sleepless nights do this to me. I would dedicate it to someone if I didn't hate it but.. it is what it is.

I'm sorry for any mistake, I just typed it on the phone.

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