
904 14 36

Not an update, sorry! 

So, your dear Satan almost has 500 followers which to me is absolutely INSANE. I know a lot of people on here have waaaay more, but I never expected to reach such a number and I guess I want to celebrate somehow.. plus it provides me with a distraction from my exams before I jump out of that window :D

That's why I'm going to do something I never did and taking up requests! The idea is to do AT LEAST two or three from suggestions, and then I was thinking of maybe writing a couple of missing moments from Seeing Through since some people asked for it.. but it depends on what you guys want! So, I dunno, comment, share, tell people, call Obama and ask for his opinion, let's ask a medium.. I'm open to everything! 

...that sounded weird. Never Enough ruined me. 

'kay, that's it. If you like the idea, just help me out. If you don't, I'll still be back soon with an update of One and Only and probably sooner or later with something else LOL 


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