Chapter 2

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Hours of playing party games and hanging out, most of the people who came were starting to leave. Except for most of the squad members, and now the newest member.

"What are we doing now" Jacob asked looking at everyone, his eyes then landed on Capri, who was standing behind Walker, who also saw his look.

"Walker" Capri whispered looking at Jacob still.

"It's fine" Walker whispered back reaching his hand back to grab hers. Walker saw him look down at their hands causing him to look away from the two.

"We could just hang out the rest of the night or something, it is getting pretty late" Jake {Gavin's brother} suggested.

Everyone nodded and went off to do their own thing.

"Capri, I've barely spoke to you tonight" Jacob said walking up to her, looking back and forth between her and Walker.

"Yep, let's keep it that way" She said not meeting his eyes, which she could feel on her.

"Oh come on, why not?" He asked innocently. Capri saw right past that though.

"You know why, and I'm not in the mood for it" She said once again hoping he'll stop eventually.

"Oh come on, why can't you forget about that already" He said with a grin on his face.

"Wait, do you two know each other or something?" Alex asked.

"Yep, me and this little princess use to date a year ago" He said keeping his eyes on her.

"Ok?" Alex said not saying anything else and walking away.

"Why are you even here" Capri asked.

"My good friend Gavin hit me up one day and asked if I wanted to be part of the squad, so I said yes" He explained. "I didn't know you were part of his squad too, this'll be even more interesting now" He said grinning harder at her.

Walker had enough of this.

"Uh I don't think so" He said stepping in front of Capri.

"And who are you exactly" Jacob asked looking him up and down..

"I'm her-" Walker started but was cut off.

"My boyfriend! He's my boyfriend" Capri stated. Walker looked at her shocked.

'Go along with it please' She mouthed to him.

"Really, why I do I not believe that" Jacob said laughing.

"Well believe it, cause we are" Walker said putting his arm around her.

"What's going on guys" Gavin asked coming out of the kitchen.

"Did you know these two were dating" Jacob said to Gavin.

"What?!" Gavin said shocked.

"Oh boy" Walker whispered.

"Since when" Gavin asked looking and Walker and Capri.

"Uh, a while now, we just...kept it private" Walker said making up a excuse.

"Kept what private" Darnell asked coming downstairs with the rest of the squad.

"That Walker and Capri are dating" Jacob said very matter of factly.

"What?!" Everyone else said shocked.

"Really not that big of a deal"Capri said trying to draw less attention to a simple excuse.

"Right..." Alex said unconvinced.

"We're gonna go in the kitchen for a minute" Capri said pulling Walker to the kitchen.

When they got in there, Walker just stood there at the counter and started.

"Say something, please" Capri said.

"That's the only thing you could come up, us dating?" He replied.

"I didn't think it would end up getting through the whole squad, I thought once he heard that, he would just leave it, not tell everyone" She replied back.

"So what now, the squad thinks we're together now" Walker asked

"This is gonna sound crazy, but hear me out, what if we just let them" She answered

"What?! I-" Walker started

"You said you'd hear me out. Just let them think we're dating for now, so especially Jacob will leave me alone" Capri cut him off.

"What happened with you two anyways, why do you hate him do much" He asked her curious .

"Ummm, that's a story for another time" She responded. "But what do you think"

"Faking a relationship, lying to our friends, just to make your ex basically jealous, I don't know" He said

"Please, nothing actually has to happen, we just act like a couple when we're around him and the others" Capri begged him.

"Uhhhh....ok" Walker said giving in, seeing how stressed she was.

"Thank you thank you thank you" She repeated and jumped into his arms hugging him. He hugged back.

"Ok, so how is this gonna work exactly" He asked once they let go.

"I guess whenever they're around, we just act like a couple or something, can't be that hard" She started. "We just gotta fake it, can't be that hard right"

"Right" He responded. "We should probably go back in there before they get suspicious"

"Yeah let's go" Capri said turning to leave.

They left the kitchen and saw no one in the living room.

"Guess they went upstairs or something" Walker said looking around.

"There you two are" Gavin said coming from the back room. "So you guys are actually dating dating?"

"Yep" Walker said back almost immediately hoping it was believable.

"Well you two are adorable, I've always shipped it" Gavin said back chuckling.

The two awkwardly laughed with him.

"I'll leave you two alone then" He said then disappearing upstairs.

"What now?..." Walker asked.

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