Chapter 5

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The next morning, everyone was sitting in kitchen at the table. After last night's scene, Walker was still mad so he kept his distance from Jacob, who had a slight head from being slammed into the wall so many times . No one asked what happened, everyone just went back to bed that night, but they still wondered what drove Walker to get that mad.

"Morning guys, I have exciting news" Gavin's mom said coming into the room.

"What is it" Gavin asked.

"I was talking to the parents last night, and we decided we all should go on a trip as a group" She answered. Everyone looked excited, except Walker. He got up, and walked away, put of the kitchen and back upstairs.

"Is he ok" Theresa asked.

"Yeah, he just had a rough night, I'll go talk to him" Capri said excusing her herself, following Walker upstairs. When she got to the room they shared last night, she saw him packing his backpack.

"Where are you going" She asked.

"Home, I'm not staying in this house with him any longer, and I'm sure as hell not going on any trip with him" he said. Capri walked up to him.

"Walker, what happened last night" She asked grabbing his hand, stopping his movements.

"I don't want to talk about it" He said quietly.

"Walker" She asked again making him look at her.

"Fine, I went downstairs last night and he came up behind me and started talking to me" He started. She nodded sitting down on the bed. "He was like that was quite a scene I pulled. I guessed he had meant the kiss, so then he started talking more crap about why you would ever like me, and why I would ever like you and them he said something about making moves on you when I'm not around and that's when I lost it" He finished explaining taking a deep breath.

"Please don't let him get in your head, he's trying to mess with you, cause he knows he's getting you mad" She told him.

"And it's working" He admitted. "And I really don't want to have to go a trip with him being around him 24/7."

"Maybe we won't have to. We are a 'couple' remember. They'll understand if we want to be alone away from everyone, so you won't have to be around him."

"I don't know" Walker said skeptical.

"Look you promised you would keep me away from him. How are you gonna do that if you don't go?" Capri asked knowing she was right.

Walker thought about it, realizing she was right.

"Ughh fine, but if he starts something-" He started

"Don't even worry about that, we won't even be around him enough for him too" Capri made clear. Walker nodded. Capri hugged him, and he hugged her back.

"Everything good" Gavin asked knocking on the door then coming in.

"Yeah we were just talking about the trip" Capri answered.

"So walker, you're down to go then?" Gavin asked.

"Uhh yeah sure, what the hell"  Walker gave in. Capri smiled.

"Great, well we're going to Hawaii and we leave tomorrow morning" Gavin told them and then left the room.

"I promise everything will be fine, were gonna stay away from him and enjoy ourselves" Capri said. Walker nodded

"I should probably be the one saying this to you" Walker laughed. Capri giggled.

Later that day the squad decided to sit down and film their first video with Jacob in it.

"I guessing since your relationship was secret until yesterday, the fans don't know yet" Jake asked Capri and Walker.

"Right..."  Capri answered. It actually totally slipped her mind that the fans have no idea about this and she can't tell them it's fake without everyone else finding it out. "Totally forgot about the fans, what do we do?" She whispered to Walker.

"We gotta make this as real as possible remember" Walker whispered back smiling. "We were actually talking about that earlier, and how maybe we should announce it to the fans too" He answered to Jake.

"You guys could do it in this video if you're ready" Gavin said.

"That'd be good" Walker said.

Brian started filming and Gavin did his intro and then told everyone what we were doing today.

"Before we start the video two announcements. One, we have a new member! You guys probably don't recognize this guy over here, my good friend Jacob has decided to join goatfam, so you'll definitely be seeing more of him. And two, well walker, Capri, you got this one." Gavin said turning it over to Walker and Capri.

"Ok. Whats goodie everyone, if you're from my channel or capri's channel you've probably seen a lot of content that we do together" Walker started.

"Yeah and recently we've been keeping this secret from you guys.." Capri paused and looked at walker, he nodded for her to continue. "we're dating" She finally said.

"Yeah, we're dating and we appreciate all the support you guys already give us on the content and stuff we already do together, so we both hope that continues" Walker added on.

"What I think everyone wants to know is who liked who first" Gavin asked grinning always thinking his best friend always had a thing for Capri.

"Uhh yeah so I liked her first. Big surprise I know but like on a real note, you spend so much time with someone and is always around them, it was gonna happen eventually" Walker said. "So after I finally told her, then I  asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes."

"I always knew they would end up together" Gavin commented. "Guys comment down below a ship name for them."

"How about wapri" Alex budded in.

"Wapri?" Capri said laughing.

"Oh yeah, walker and Capri, wapri. I like it" Gavin said. 

"Ok, I guess we have a ship name then" walker said laughing.

Jacob made a small comment that no one heard clearly.

"Anyways, we were gonna do kinda a small challenge video to kick off the start for our new member" Gavin said. "stay tune to the end for one more special announcement"

They went on and did a small never have I ever challenge and towards the end of Gavin is when Gavin went to tell the fans that the squad was going to Hawaii

"Ok! That's gonna end today's video. Make you like comment subscribe and turn in your post notifications so you never miss a video and let's just say next video will definitely have a different setting cause we're going to... Hawaii! So stay tune for some beach content and comment some stuff you want to see us do while we're at Hawaii, peace out guys!" Gavin said, doing his outro.

"Ok well, that done, now, on to Hawaii!" Gavin said excitedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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