Chapter 4

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Walker and Capri eventually went back downstairs with the others and saw everyone on the couch. They took a seat on the opposite end of the couch away from Jacob, while he sat there starring at them.

"Ok...well I was thinking we could play a few games or watch some movies before you go through bed" Gavin said breaking the silence in the room.

"Truth or dare anyone" Jake suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Ok who first" He asked. "how about you Jacob, truth or dare"

"Ok truth" He said then glancing at Capri and Walker.

"Is it true you and Capri use to date back in Canada" He asked.

Walker looked at Capri and saw her uncomfortable face. He gently reached over and grabbed her hand in his tightly. She looked and up at him and gave him a small smile.

"Uhh yeah it's true" Jacob said after witnessing what just happened.

"Why'd you guys break u-" Alex started

"What is this a million questions, it's probably for the best not to ask about the past though" Walker said stepping in, knowing Capri didn't want to think or talk about it right now.

"Walker's right, past is the past" Jacob said smirking slightly. Walker rolled his eyes and leaned back in the couch.

"Ok then, moving on" Gavin said. They did more rounds, just casual , not to big dares or too exposing truths. Then when the last round came, this is what went down..

"Ok Walker, truth or dare" Jacob said grinning. Walker knew he was up to something.

"Dare" He said hesitating a little, wondering what he was gonna make him do.

"Ok, why don't you give your little girlfriend over there a kiss" He dared. Walker froze.

Crap. He thought.

He looked at Capri and she had the same facial expression.

"Is something wrong, I thought you two we're dating, which means you probably kiss all the time, so what's the big deal" Jacob said smirking hard thinking he was about to expose them.

"Yeah whats the big deal guys, it's just one kiss, it's not like he asked you to make out in front of us" Gavin joked.

Capri looked at Walker

'Lets just do it' He mouthed. She mouthed back 'are you sure' he nodded.

"Are you gonna do it, cause if you don't, isn't that a little sketc-" Jacob started but them cut himself off out of shock.

Walker had enough of his talking,  and then crashed his lips on Capri's knowing that would shut him up, and it did.

The kiss wasn't long, but it was long enough to make it believable that they are an actual couple. They pulled away 10 seconds later, keeping their eyes on each other, not saying a word.

"Aww that was cute!" the girls gushed. Capri face was as red as a tomato, and so was Walker's.

"Ok I think that was a good way to end the night" Gavin said, Everyone started laughing except for those two and Jacob who was basically death starring Walker. "Ok yeah, well everyone knows where their room is so, goodnight" Gavin finished after seeing the tension between the three.

Jacob was first to go upstairs with the rest slowly following behind him. Walker and Capri finally got to their room and closed the door.

", do you wanna talk about it" Walker asked after closing the door.

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