Chapter 3

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-A/N: So btw, I officially changed the story to wapri-

~A little flashback since it's been a while~

"There you two are" Gavin said coming from the back room. "So you guys are actually dating dating?"

"Yep" Walker said back almost immediately hoping it was believable.

"Well you two are adorable, I've always shipped it" Gavin said back chuckling.

The two awkwardly laughed with him.

"I'll leave you two alone then" He said then disappearing upstairs.

"What now?..." Walker asked.

They spent the rest of the night messing around, watching movies and just plainly goofing off. Jacob kept an eye on Capri for most of night, which made her very uncomfortable, which is why she stood close by Walker for the entire night.

They were in the kitchen making snacks and Walker was on the opposite side off the kitchen from Capri with the guys and he didn't noticed when Jacob slipped out of the group and slowly walked over to the girls, specifically Capri.

"Sorry to interrupt ladies, but do you mind if I steal Capri for a sec" He asked starring at Capri

"Go ahead" Alex said. "But I wouldn't get caught starring at her so much, especially by walker" She added chuckling.

"Haha right" He said awkwardly, fake smiling a a little bit.

The girls walked away leaving the two in the corner alone. Capri looked over at Walker and saw he hadn't noticed any of this yet.

"So what's the real deal with Mr. Boyfriend over there, are you like paying him to fake being your boyfriend so you can avoid me" He asked seeing her looking over at Walker.

"No, I don't need to pay someone to keep me away from I can simply do that myself" She answered slowly trying to walk away, but it didn't work. He grabbed her arm tightly.

"Woah calm were just talking, nothing to get so worked up about" He said quietly while grinning.

"Yeah that's exactly the problem" She whispered.

"So how about dump Mr. Pretty boy, and give me a another shot". He said with his grasp still holding her arm, basically leaving her defenseless to get away.

"I don't think so" Capri said.

"Why not babe,we made a good couple, way better than that guy", He said nodding towards Walker.

Capri rolled her eyes at him, not making eye contact.

He slowly raised his hand put it on her cheek. She flinched at the touch, trying to stop him, but he was too strong and it just didn't work.

"What do you say"He said inching closer towards her.

"I say, you better get your hands off her before I give you a black eye," Walker said from behind Jacob.

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