II - With Private Skittles

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Now back to Steve, being the social butterfly he was, found a way to kill time through keeping Private Skittles from his boredom in the watch tower.

"Now what the hell are you doing in my tower, punk?" Skittles popped off while lighting a cigarette. His angst has been taking a toll over himself that he found himself isolated a couple of feet from the surface. He's loving his job and he doesn't want any buffons talking to him while he does the dirty work from above.

"I'm bored ok..." Steve replied drowsily as he sat near the foot of the tower. "I mean, I'm worried that Cap'n's gonna forget my birthday again like the last time."

"That's your problem?" Skittles mumbled while puffing out some smoke, "We're in war, and in war, people die..."

"That's words coming out from an asshole who shot a man who was gonna be a dad. Haha dark humor, very funny..."

"Hey, I'm being unfiltered here you prick! I mean, I did mean that part anyway. But yeah I'm dead eyes serious right now."

"Whatever, all I just wanna do is rant about my birthday. At least you have a family who's gonna celebrate your born day."

"Why? You don't?" Skittles asked as he dropped his cigarette and stepped on it.

"Duh, they're all dead! Well, you guys are my only family for now..." Steve sighed in frustration, placing his hands on his head.

"For now?"

"Well, you said war is war and in war people die bullcrap. We're in this together, but we ain't gonna last longer than a week expired cheeseburger. Ya feel me-"

"Crap, it's that guy with plastic sports gear." Steve was cut-off as Skittles aimed for one of the Thugmen who was charging with his golf stick, releasing the trigger, a gunshot fired. "A bullet is small, but one can kill. Too bad his helmet was a cheap factory product, but he won't be keeping our eyes awake today."

"Hey, are we getting intruders?" One of the Tankmen that came out of the bar joined the scene, inquisitive. "Just one of those thugs, man. Nothing else." "Oh." He then left back to the bar to enjoy swimming his mouth in gallons of root beer.

"Hey! Those were the same losers that tried to kill me after our origami throwing game in the bar! Well not that I'm surprised anyway."

"And what did you do? Got jealous because they had rad plastic sports gear? Haha!" Skittles let out a laugh that seemed to irritate Steve. But our incompetent soldier knew the words to say. "Well I did shot one of their mercenaries, haha. See who got the last laugh at the end."

"Can't relate. All I remembered was the tower's roof falling off my head after I spat while tryna aim for those thugs. You really are a horrible driver don't cha think?"

"Keep it to yourself, sweetheart. I ended up settling the score in a 'manly' way." Steve mocked as he stood up and dusted himself before heading back to his room. "I'm gonna hit the sack. Nothing special cuz tomorrow's the same day as usual. Hista la vista."

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