V - The Sharpest Lives

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Since I barely did research, I might not be able to explain the concept of war properly (rushed this cuz I was sleepy LMAO).

And also, I decided that the last chapter is gonna be after this chapter so that stuff won't be confusing. I'll try waking up early to work on it lol


-Time skip to next sunrise-

Are they the only humans on earth? Most likely. Is war amongst them? Well yes. Adrenaline shot John's peaceful body as few of his men banged his door with absolute perturbation. "What's happening?" He questioned as gunshots roared outside shelter and many discoursed as the sound of feet scuffling and horrid wails and screams earned from each tankman, either prevailed a second chance of living or casualty. "CAPTAIN, WE NEED YOU RIGHT NOW!!" One of his men wailed, "SOME WEIRDOS IN RANDOM GEAR ARE TRYNA KILL US ALL!!!" Another yelled. Let's be honest, John, in his highest and current position, never had experience such anxiety and fear that by minutes, all are to be perished before 8am. Of course, he had it easy, but that doesn't mean his role was just nothing to be done other than a finger. His sole duty and vow was to protect his men, his only family, the ones left on earth in this apocalyptic desert where what dispersed was gold sand and a couple of mountains and mountain ranges complementing such pure devoid. Fully aware was he of every piercing in his chest for every fallen comrade, but he understood that to drive to victory, sacrifices and risks are to be executed whether defeat or success.

"Shit, prepare the tanks, align the snipers, get your walkie-talkies ready!" He command with great ferocity as he scuffled to his armor, "We're blowin' some heads out and we might decline, but make sure that these gorillas cease! Everyone, to your respected departments!"

"AYE, SIR!" His men nodded as one of them got decapitated by a spiked boomerang. "DOMINIC! YOU HAD A NEW LIFE WAITING FOR YA- AH!" One of his men screamed as he was pierced by bullets on his back. "GODDAMMIT, WE'LL CRY LATER! HURRY UP, OWEN!"

As he was set to lay his life on the battlefield, he remembered that Steve was still asleep. He rushed to Steve's door as he barged in his room. He was lucky that the knob was broken, meaning Steve never locked his door. As he was met with a still resting figure, he jumped on his bed as he shakes his figure in hyperventilation. "STEVE BUDDY, WAKE UP! WE'RE IN A CLASH!" Good thing Steve woke up in an instant with a shot of concern and confusion written on his face. "HUH?! What's the rush, Cap'n"

"It's them... those THUG MEN!" "WAIT, THEY'RE HERE??? I THOUGHT THEY'RE DEAD???"

"Now's not the time to question. Do it when you're gonna face em." John said as he grabbed Steve by arm and helped him in dressing. "W-what's going on, Cap?" Steve was now shaking intensely while swiftly putting on his armor, "like what I said, we're under attack by those thugmen. Hurry, Steve! We gotta get out!"

As they rushed out of the room and slid down the stairs to their exit, everything fell into picture. Everything was rowdy, many are dying, some have departured, others are running. His men have evolved through the years and now refined skills in war combat, but that doesn't mean their death toll's deplete. In fact, this was the worst that they ever had. At this point, it wasn't plastic sports gear, but metal. Three left bloodied, but came back with many to avenge them and twice as stronger.

While distressed on his next plan, one of his men came rushing towards him in tears. "LEFT PART OF HQ WAS BLITZKRIEGED! COMMUNICATION FROM THE WEST TEAM HAS BEEN DISCONNECTED!!!"

"They're smart I applaud. Deploy some soldiers that'll guard HQ, NOW!" John commanded while sinking deeper as his thoughts whirl with the catastrophic atmosphere he and his men were choked in. Now he needs to think of his next plan, but while doing so, he's gotta snipe some hostiles with Steve, except his partner-in-crime wields a knife faster than someone can blink. "Let's roll, Steve. It's no time for mercy." John said as he stared at Steve, who was preparing his rifle on hand, knife on pocket. "Yes, John."

And there went the two go, in a bloodbath with the rest, as all fight for many ambitions, but one common goal: survival. While running to find a proper hiding place for a better scope and invulnerable shelter, he found Steve in the corner of his eye, attracting several men with the thunder of his rifles. His aim wasn't always precise, but he assured a swift back kill on each of his enemies with his knife, each stab to amplify to the core of the flesh, leaving a brutal mark of incompetence of the fallen. "Rella rella, BITCH!" is what Steve yelled from afar. He was so proud of him.

Now on his hiding spot, he sniped up a good number of thugs from afar, especially frightened by the unexpected launch of rotting flesh to his foot that he couldn't decipher whether enemy or ally's. But he's too busy to mourn. "If they want attitude, I'm giving 'em attitude." John muttered while eyeing on his enemies, releasing precise bullets to their weakpoints. "We're gonna come out, battered but victorious among the dust."

As time passed through the hostility of a scenery painted in crimson red complementing, things have gotten excruciating, as new heads have splattered against the floor, portraying final facial expressions of the severed, flesh scattered in disharmonious agglomeration, ties torn, louder wails of the struggling, which in each of the tankmen's point of view, felt like a World War III.

"New people have joined our messed up party." John sighed as few more tanks from those thugmen arrived in the scene. "Steve-" John was cut off as he realized that the leader of the thugmen (a new implemented one eventually) was on foot of one of the abandoned buildings, robbing each of his comrades' lives with the agility and grip of his gun. His overwhelming amount of spikes on his head makes John choke.

"Yes, Cap?" Steve arrived at his side in an instant, covered in blood and sweat, awaiting for his friend's question. "I want you to head west with Tank girl and Ted. Most of their military faction came in that direction and I wanna make sure that they're dead before they land here."

"But, Cap... I can't leave you here... Who knows what's gonna happen to one of us." Steve said as he shivered. "None of our lives matter anymore, we'll throw ourselves off the bus if it means driving these assholes out of our asses. But still, I'll make sure every sacrifice is worth it."

"No, don't tell me you're gonna-"

"Yes I'll do it." John paused as he swallowed, "but even then Steve, I'll never forget anyone, especially you..." Hearing this began to tore Steve's heart.

"C-C-Captain..." Steve trembled as his eyes and throat began to swell. This might be where they part ways. To conclude a farewell, John hugged Steve with all his strength, caressing his back in up-and-down motion as he kissed his forehead, releasing the touch with a smile on his face. "Truly I fallen for you, champ. Now get the fuck outta here and kill some hooligans for me." Steve then gave a smile and salute as he headed west. "I will, AND I'LL DO IT IN A MANLY WAY!" "HAHA THAT'S THE SPIRIT!" John cheered for his friend as his figure slowly disappeared in his eyes.

Now his feet move faster than Lighting McQueen, Steve then took one more look behind to see his dear Captain in action. One is to take the leap to die, but one will make it out alive. Even if he was to die, at least John and his friends would still be alive. 'Godspeed you black and white son of a gun.'

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